Dear MySQL users,

This is the BETA release for Utilities 1.6. MySQL Utilities version 1.6.2
is compatible with MySQL Server versions 5.5 and greater. Python v2.6 and
v2.7 are supported.
MySQL Utilities v1.6.2 BETA is available for download from

A brief summary of changes is listed below. Please check the CHANGES.txt
file inside the distribution for a more complete list of changes.

MySQL Utilities provides a collection of command-line utilities that are
used for maintaining and administering MySQL servers, including:
  • Admin Utilities (Clone, Copy, Compare, Diff, Export, Import,
    User Management)
  • Replication Utilities (Setup, Configuration, Verification)
  • General Utilities (Disk Usage, Redundant Indexes, Manage Meta &
    Audit Data)
  • And more

Changes in MySQL Utilities 1.6.2 (2015-08-28)

Functionality Added or Changed

  * A new optional --inherit-level parameter was added to the
    mysqlgrants utility. It specifies the inheritance level
    of the grants shown, and is set to either global
    (default), database, or object. (Bug #20302446)

  * Starting with MySQL Utilities 1.6.2, MySQL Fabric is no
    longer included as part of the MySQL Utilities release.
    They are now separate MySQL products with separate
    release cycles.

Bugs Fixed

  * The mysqldbcompare utility's --all option now ignores the
    internal sys schema. (Bug #21415893)

  * The mysqlimport utility would fail with an "Invalid
    Statement" error (errno 1694), when executed against
    MySQL server 5.7.7. (Bug #21327864)

  * The mysqluserclone utility did not properly copy global
    privileges with --include-global-privileges enabled, as
    it attempted to grant privileges to the source user
    instead of the destination user. (Bug #21031993, Bug

  * The mysqlrplsync and mysqldbcompare utilities now
    function correctly when the sys schema is present; a
    schema that is added by default as of MySQL server 5.7.7.
    In other words, the sys schema is no longer
    compared/synced as it is unique to each host. (Bug
    #20979041, Bug #76878)

  * The mysqldbcopy utility failed to copy a database that
    contained permissions to a user not present on the
    destination server when NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER was enabled.
    This is because mysqldbcopy attempted to create the user
    implicitly using the GRANT statement, an operation that
    does not work with NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER. Users are now
    explicitly created before the GRANT statement.
    Related, the NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER sql_mode is enabled by
    default as of MySQL server 5.7.7, and will become default
    behavior in a future release. (Bug #20972389, Bug #76866)

  * The mysqlindexcheck utility would accept options and
    execute when an invalid --server option was passed. A
    valid server connection is now required. Also, the
    utility would report "Using a password on the command
    line interface can be insecure." even when a password was
    not used. (Bug #20960564, Bug #76839)

  * The mysqldbexport utility required SELECT privileges to
    the mysql database when such permissions were not needed,
    even when passing in --skip=procedures,functions. (Bug
    #20953870, Bug #76815)

  * When using the mysqluc console, pressing Home would print
    the 'H' character instead of moving the cursor to the
    beginning of the line, and pressing End would print the
    'F' character instead of moving to the end of the line.
    (Bug #20817994, Bug #76569)

  * Pylint tests were failing with the latest versions of
    pylint and pep8. (Bug #20812836)

  * Several MUT tests were failing with MySQL server 5.7.6.
    (Bug #20756920)

  * MySQL Utilities would hang when a long query using
    Connector/Python 2.1.2 was killed before completion. The
    underlying bug was fixed in Connector/Python 2.1.3. (Bug
    References: See also Bug #76156.

  * The MySQL Utilities test suite now tests the strict SQL
    mode. (Bug #20411304, Bug #75612)

  * The maximum length of was set
    to 30 characters. The mysqlfailover utility failed to
    start when host names were longer than this. The new
    maximum length is 255. (Bug #20380999, Bug #75544)

  * Some replication utilities, such as mysqlfailover and
    mysqlrpladmin, would crash with MySQL server 5.7.6 (and
    above) because a new column (Channel_name) was added to
    the mysql.slave_master_info table.
    The utilities were updated to not fail when additional
    columns are added in the future. (Bug #20344064)

  * The mysqldbexport and mysqldbimport utilities failed to
    correctly export/import databases using non-SQL formats
    like CSV, if the database contained a table with compound
    keys. This issue did not happen for the SQL format
    (default), it only occurred for the other available
    formats, such as CSV and TAB. (Bug #20191865)

  * A rpl_admin_gtid test set the gtid_purged variable on the
    master server to create a controllable scenario where a
    slave server was missing GTIDs from the server. However,
    this was a faulty behavior from the server that was fixed
    in 5.6.22 and 5.7.6 via Bug #19012085. (Bug #20161135)

  * The mysqldbimport utility was unable to import multiple
    databases from a single file if the file format was not
    SQL, such as CSV. (Bug #20070400)

  * The mysqldiff failed to generate correct ALTER statements
    that differentiated between DEFAULT NULL and DEFAULT ''.
    (Bug #75236, Bug #20227070)

Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:


On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Hery Ramilison

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