clever head needed

2001-02-26 Thread Henrik Lebtien Mohr
Hi there! If any of you have tried the following with ASP/ADO and MySQL, please inform me of how you did it: I use ASP and adodb.recordset to connect to a MySQL-database. I use the following code to insert into the db: [CODE START] set rsGroup = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") sql =

double InnerJoin -how?

2001-02-22 Thread Henrik Lebtien Mohr
I have three tables: one with contacts, one with members, and one that links the members to a group. How do I make a SQL-string, that gets the members from a specifik group, AND the contacts that belongs to this group as well? Won't I have to make a double InnerJoin? Kind regards, /Henrik Mohr

Newbit: ADO and MySQL/MyODBC

2001-02-05 Thread Henrik Lebtien Mohr
Hi there I use ASP and ADO 2.5 to access the data in my MySQL RDBMS. I get an error "Multiple-step error" when I try to update a recordset like the following: with rs .fields("date") = null 'timestamp datatype .fields("nOnline") = .fields("nOnline") + 1 'int datatype

newbie: problem with select in (select)

2001-02-05 Thread Henrik Lebtien Mohr
Hi again If I try the following on my MySQL DB, I get an error: select user_id from tblUser where user_id in (select user_id from tblUserLink where group_id = xx) xx is an integer defining which group_id we want info on (mediumint(9)) user_id in tblUser and tblUserLink is also defined as