GATOR-root wrote:
> >Description:
>         We had an NFS incident and used CHMOD and CHOWN to repair it.
> Shortly there after, we noticed that our MySql under WebRT did not work.
> We presume that we corrupted the ownership and permissions of files and
> programs within MySQL.
> >How-To-Repeat:
>         use command CHOWN and CHMOD in a global way
> >Fix:
>         We expected to find a script that would repair this sort of thing.
> Alternatively, we expected "make fix_perms" or similar.  Either would read
> the current environment and ferret out all of the files and folders,
> settings ownership and permissions appropriately.  They could also report
> what they found in a way that instructs the operator about how things
> ought to be configured.
>         We expected to find something about this in the 500+ page PDF
> manual but we did not.

This is more of a unix administration issue than a myslq bug, isn't it?

The user mysql is running under must have permission to read write
(and list for directories under the datadir.. Simple as that.

what could a script do for you that chmod and chown can't?  There is
no variation on a per table or per file basis, all database user
permisions are handled internally.

if your mysql user is 'mysql' and you don't want any body but
the database messing with the files you can do

chown -R mysql <datadir>
chgrp -R root <datadir>
chmod 770 `find <datadir> -type d`
chmod 660 `find <datadir> -type f`

This assumes you dont' have permission problems on any of your mysql
executeables, and that you didn't mess up the permissions on the socket
file or anything but the datafiles.

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