Thanks for all the responses to my posting below.

I was using phpmysqladmin to check on updating the database, and I finally
figured out that phpmysqladmin was misconfigured, with the same database on
two different servers but with different column names. Naturally I was
sending the query to the database with the wrong column name, which is why
I got the error. Once I figured it out (by command line calls to mysql),
all was well.

I appreciate the advice from the list and I've changed some of the column
names as responders suggested to avoid other problems. So thanks much!

 Mike Kent                     The Indianapolis Star - Information 
 Internet mail:                AOL messenger: mkent INI            
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            

----- Forwarded by Mike Kent/INI on 08/07/01 01:42 PM -----
                    Mike Kent                                                          
                                         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
                    08/06/01             cc:                                           
                    11:56 AM             Subject:     1054 error                       

I'm new to MySQL and I get a 1054 error on this SQL query sent by a PHP 4

1054: Unknown column 'pricerange' in 'field list'

$sql is INSERT INTO CCC_reviews (restname, type, specialties, address,
phone, hours, pricerange, creditcards, reservations, rating, miscinfo,
area, wheelchair, maplink, byline, date, reviewsum, review) VALUES
('Junkyard dog', 'Bakery', 'dogburgers', 'who cares', 'none', 'none',
'Moderate', 'Y', 'N', '1 1/2', 'Place stinks', 'North', 'N', 'somewhere',
'By Junkyard Bob', 'August 6, 2001', 'blah blah blah sum', 'blah blah blah
real thing')

The column pricerange does exist, and I've verified there's no trailing
space or the like.

Anyone know what's wrong?


 Mike Kent                     The Indianapolis Star - Information 
 Internet mail:                AOL messenger: mkent INI            
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            

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