
I found the bug. It was in the consistent read through a secondary
index when inserts or updates were present on the same database page.

Below is the patch: we should set rec = clust_rec only if
prebuilt->need_to_access_clustered is TRUE.


[EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-05-09 23:06:52+03:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  row0sel.c     Fix a bug in consistent read through secondary key

    1.6 01/05/09 23:06:34 [EMAIL PROTECTED] +4 -2
    Fix a bug in consistent read through secondary key

# This is a BitKeeper patch.  What follows are the unified diffs for the
# set of deltas contained in the patch.  The rest of the patch, the part
# that BitKeeper cares about, is below these diffs.
# User: heikki
# Host:
# Root: /home/heikki/mysqle

--- 1.5/innobase/row/row0sel.c  Wed May  2 18:05:05 2001
+++ 1.6/innobase/row/row0sel.c  Wed May  9 23:06:34 2001
@@ -2700,8 +2700,10 @@
                        goto next_rec;
-               rec = clust_rec;
+               if (prebuilt->need_to_access_clustered) {
+                       rec = clust_rec;
+               }
        /* We found a qualifying row */

At 02:40 PM 5/9/01 +0200, you wrote:
>HT> can you print the EXPLAIN SELECT ... for the count(*) and the other query?
>mysql> explain select count(*) from mybuffer where bourse='NAS';
>| table    | type | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows |
Extra                   |
>| mybuffer | ref  | id_bourse     | id_bourse |       3 | const |  730 |
where used; Using index |
>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>mysql> explain select * from mybuffer where bourse='NAS';
>| table    | type | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows |
Extra      |
>| mybuffer | ref  | id_bourse     | id_bourse |       3 | const |  730 |
where used |
>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>  Alex.

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