Hi !! 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Markus Lervik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:22 AM
> Subject: A bit OT: ColdFusion can't connect to MySQL via ODBC (newbie)
> Hello, list!
> I'm not quite sure that this is the right place to ask, but
> I'm having problems getting MySQL and ColdFusion Server 5 to
> work together.
> I have a ColdFusion server that connects to MySQL via ODBC.
> I've configured the Merant MySQL ODBC driver via the ColdFusion 
> administrator, and it is able to connect to my MySQL database
> (at least it claims that the connection was successful when
> clicking "verify" in the CF admin). The datasource name is hpTest.
> However, trying to connect to the database in an CFM doesn't
> seem to work at all. My error message is 
> "ODBC Error Code = 08003 (Connection not open)
> "[MERANT][ODBC lib] Connection not open
> "The error occurred while processing an element with a general
> identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:114)."
> and the code goes like this:
> <cfquery
> name="Test"
> dbtype="ODBC"
> dbname="hpTest"
> datasource="hpTest">
> SELECT * FROM hpTest
> </cfquery>
> <cfoutput query="hpTest">#FieldName1#, #FieldName2#<br></cfoutput>
> I've been reading TFM, browsing TFW, reading TFML and I've even been
> to (*ghasp*) Microsofts ODBC-pages looking for an answer (and you know
> it's -bad- when that happens!<g>).
> Reading the manual I got the impression that coldfusion would open the
> connection when using a <cfquery>-tag.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Markus, tearing big lumps of hair out.
We don't recommend to use third-party drivers with MySQL unless 
if they are from our parters or directly linking with MySQL. As 
we never tested the above driver(s) with MySQL, we can't comment 
any thing.

We appriciate if you can make use of the following MySQL ODBC 
Drivers, as they are tested and working fine with CF.

 - MyODBC 2.50 (stable) and 
 - MyODBC 3.51 (developmemt).

For more information about MySQL ODBC, refer to 

Regards, Venu
For technical support contracts, go to https://order.mysql.com
   __  ___     ___ ____  __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Mr. Venu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Developer
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       <___/  www.mysql.com

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