> I am writing an application that will poll  up to 500 devices every 5
> minutes.  For this application I need to keep at least 6 months 
> of data.  If
> I were to use a single record for every update, I would have ~25 million
> records.  Obviously this is not an ideal solution.

Why not? Given the proper HW and a carefully designed table layout, 
MySQL would have no trouble handling this amount of data. MySQL may 
have trouble handling 100 inserts/minute if you need to extract a 
lot of data at the same time, but that's a different beast entirely.
Remember that MySQL was built to effectively handle e.g. SELECTs on
huge amounts of data, while concurrency on e.g. INSERTS/UPDATE/SELECTs
has always had a lower priority.

> I am interested in getting ideas on how to tackle this.  I was 
> thinking that
> I would have a table that stored all the values for the current day and a
> table for historical data.  After 24 hours the data would be 
> averaged into a
> daily snapshot and stored in another table.  The data from that day would
> then be cleared.  This would only require ~90k recoo s.
> I would appreciate any ideas.  I have written a ton of web applications
> using mySQL, but have never had to scale above 100k entries :)

I would consider writing the log data into a flat file, then import
it into MySQL, with reasonable intervals, say every half hour or so.
Once a day (or once a week?), I would execute a query to delete old 

- though I wonder: If you're only interested in the daily average, then
why do you need to poll every 5 minutes???

/ Carsten
Carsten H. Pedersen
keeper and maintainer of the bitbybit.dk MySQL FAQ

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