MySQL Workbench 8.0.15 has been released

2019-02-01 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL developer tools team announces 8.0.15 as our general available 
(GA) for

MySQL Workbench 8.0.

For the full list of changes in this revision, visit

For discussion, join the MySQL Workbench Forums:

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at:


Changes in MySQL Workbench 8.0.15 (2019-02-01, General

   This release contains no functional changes and is published
   to align version number with the MySQL Server 8.0.15 release.

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.5.13 has been released

2019-01-22 Thread Prashant Tekriwal>

   shows that configuration changes for the ThreadConfig


   ) data node parameters require system initial restarts
   (restart="system" initial="true"). (Bug #28494286)

 * Executing SELECT
   ( *
   ) caused SQL nodes to restart in some cases. (Bug

 * When running a cluster with 4 or more data nodes under
   very high loads, data nodes could sometimes fail with
   Error 899 Rowid already allocated. (Bug #25960230)

 * When starting, a data node copies metadata, while a local
   checkpoint updates metadata. To avoid any conflict, any
   ongoing LCP activity is paused while metadata is being
   copied. An issue arose when a local checkpoint was paused
   on a given node, and another node that was also
   restarting checked for a complete LCP on this node; the
   check actually caused the LCP to be completed before
   copying of metadata was complete and so ended the pause
   prematurely. Now in such cases, the LCP completion check
   waits to complete a paused LCP until copying of metadata
   is finished and the pause ends as expected, within the
   LCP in which it began. (Bug #24827685)

 * Asynchronous disconnection of mysqld from the cluster
   caused any subsequent attempt to start an NDB API
   transaction to fail. If this occurred during a bulk
   delete operation, the SQL layer called
   HA::end_bulk_delete(), whose implementation by
   ha_ndbcluster assumed that a transaction had been
   started, and could fail if this was not the case. This
   problem is fixed by checking that the transaction pointer
   used by this method is set before referencing it. (Bug

 * NdbScanFilter did not always handle NULL according to the
   SQL standard, which could result in sending
   non-qualifying rows to be filtered (otherwise not
   necessary) by the MySQL server. (Bug #92407, Bug

 * NDB attempted to use condition pushdown on greater-than
   (>) and less-than (<) comparisons with ENUM
   ( column
   values but this could cause rows to be omitted in the
   result. Now such comparisons are no longer pushed down.
   Comparisons for equality (=) and inequality (<> / !=)
   with ENUM values are not affected by this change, and
   conditions including these comparisons can still be
   pushed down. (Bug #92321, Bug #28610217)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Cluster 7.5.13 has been released

2019-01-22 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
   d-definition.html#ndbparam-ndbmtd-threadconfig) and
   ) data node parameters require system initial restarts
   (restart="system" initial="true"). (Bug #28494286)

 * Executing SELECT
   ( *
   ) caused SQL nodes to restart in some cases. (Bug

 * When running a cluster with 4 or more data nodes under
   very high loads, data nodes could sometimes fail with
   Error 899 Rowid already allocated. (Bug #25960230)

 * When starting, a data node copies metadata, while a local
   checkpoint updates metadata. To avoid any conflict, any
   ongoing LCP activity is paused while metadata is being
   copied. An issue arose when a local checkpoint was paused
   on a given node, and another node that was also
   restarting checked for a complete LCP on this node; the
   check actually caused the LCP to be completed before
   copying of metadata was complete and so ended the pause
   prematurely. Now in such cases, the LCP completion check
   waits to complete a paused LCP until copying of metadata
   is finished and the pause ends as expected, within the
   LCP in which it began. (Bug #24827685)

 * Asynchronous disconnection of mysqld from the cluster
   caused any subsequent attempt to start an NDB API
   transaction to fail. If this occurred during a bulk
   delete operation, the SQL layer called
   HA::end_bulk_delete(), whose implementation by
   ha_ndbcluster assumed that a transaction had been
   started, and could fail if this was not the case. This
   problem is fixed by checking that the transaction pointer
   used by this method is set before referencing it. (Bug

 * NdbScanFilter did not always handle NULL according to the
   SQL standard, which could result in sending
   non-qualifying rows to be filtered (otherwise not
   necessary) by the MySQL server. (Bug #92407, Bug

 * NDB attempted to use condition pushdown on greater-than
   (>) and less-than (<) comparisons with ENUM
   ( column
   values but this could cause rows to be omitted in the
   result. Now such comparisons are no longer pushed down.
   Comparisons for equality (=) and inequality (<> / !=)
   with ENUM values are not affected by this change, and
   conditions including these comparisons can still be
   pushed down. (Bug #92321, Bug #28610217)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.5.12 has been released

2018-10-23 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
ons as well as the number of trigger fire
   requests outstanding per transaction.
   For immediate triggers, limiting of concurrent trigger
   operations may increase the number of triggers waiting to
   be executed, exhausting the trigger record pool and
   resulting in the error Too many concurrently fired
   triggers (increase MaxNoOfFiredTriggers. This can be
   avoided by increasing MaxNoOfFiredTriggers

   reducing the user transaction batch size, or both.
   References: See also: Bug #18229003, Bug #27310330.

 * When moving an OperationRec from the serial to the
   parallel queue, Dbacc::startNext() failed to update the
   Operationrec::OP_ACC_LOCK_MODE flag which is required to
   reflect the accumulated OP_LOCK_MODE of all previous
   operations in the parallel queue. This inconsistency in
   the ACC lock queues caused the scan lock takeover
   mechanism to fail, as it incorrectly concluded that a
   lock to take over was not held. The same failure caused
   an assert when aborting an operation that was a member of
   such an inconsistent parallel lock queue. (Bug #92100,
   Bug #28530928)

 * DBTUP sent the error Tuple corruption detected when a
   read operation attempted to read the value of a tuple
   inserted within the same transaction. (Bug #92009,

 * False constraint violation errors could occur when
   executing updates on self-referential foreign keys.
   (Bug#91965, Bug #28486390)
   References: See also: Bug #90644, Bug #27930382.

 * An NDB internal trigger definition could be dropped while
   pending instances of the trigger remained to be executed,
   by attempting to look up the definition for a trigger
   which had already been released. This caused
   unpredictable and thus unsafe behavior possibly leading
   to data node failure. The root cause of the issue lay in
   an invalid assumption in the code relating to determining
   whether a given trigger had been released; the issue is
   fixed by ensuring that the behavior of NDB, when a
   trigger definition is determined to have been released,
   is consistent, and that it meets expectations.
   (Bug#91894, Bug #28451957)

 * In certain cases, a cascade update trigger was fired
   repeatedly on the same record, which eventually consumed
   all available concurrent operations, leading to Error 233
   Out of operation records in transaction coordinator
   (increase MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations). If

   was set to a value sufficiently high to avoid this,
   the issue manifested as data nodes consuming very large
   amounts of CPU, very likely eventually leading to a
   timeout. (Bug #91472, Bug #28262259)

 * Inserting a row into an NDB
   table having a self-referencing foreign key that
   referenced a unique index on the table other than the
   primary key failed with ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2
This was due to

   the fact that NDB checked foreign key constraints before
   the unique index was updated, so that the constraint
   check was unable to use the index for locating the row.
   Now, in such cases, NDB waits until all unique index
   values have been updated before checking foreign key
   constraints on the inserted row. (Bug #90644,
   References: See also: Bug #91965, Bug #28486390.

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Connector/J 8.0.12 has been released

2018-07-27 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
A wasNull() call on a ResultSet did not return the proper
   value unless AbstractResultsetRow.getNull() or
   AbstractResultsetRow.getValueFromByte() was called
   before. This caused data loss when Connector/J was used
   with frameworks like Hibernate, which rely on wasNull()
   calls to properly retrieve data. With this fix, wasNull()
   returns a correct value as long as some getter method has
   been called before on the ResultSet.
   (Bug #25924324, Bug#85941)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.3.21 has been released

2018-04-20 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
    checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 7.3.21, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !


Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.21 (5.6.39-ndb-7.3.21) (2018-04-20,
General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.21 is a new release of NDB Cluster,
   based on MySQL Server 5.6 and including features from version
   7.3 of the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing a number of
   recently discovered bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3, see
   What is New in NDB Cluster 7.3( ).

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.6
   through MySQL 5.6.40 (see Changes in MySQL 5.6.40
   (2018-04-19, General Availability)( )).

Bugs Fixed

 * NDB Cluster APIs: Incorrect results, usually an empty
   result set, were returned when setBound() was used to
   specify a NULL bound. This issue appears to have been
   caused by a problem in gcc, limited to cases using the
   old version of this method (which does not employ
   NdbRecord), and is fixed by rewriting the problematic
   internal logic in the old implementation. (Bug #89468,
   Bug #27461752)

 * Queries using very large lists with IN were not handled
   correctly, which could lead to data node failures. (Bug

 * ndb_restore --print_data --hex did not print trailing 0s
   of LONGVARBINARY values. (Bug #65560, Bug #14198580)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.11 has been released

2018-04-19 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.11 is the first GA release version
of the MySQL Connector Python 8.0 series. This series adds support for
the new X DevAPI.  The X DevAPI enables application developers to write
code that combines the strengths of the relational and document models
using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous
experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more information
about how the X DevAPI is implemented in MySQL Connector/Python, and its
usage, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires MySQL Server version 5.7.12 or
higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation about how to
get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.11, see the "General Available
(GA) releases" tab at


Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.11 (2018-04-19)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * X DevAPI: Previously, when documents without an _id
   attribute were added to a collection, Connector/Python
   automatically generated _id for them. Now a MySQL 8
   server generates the _id attribute unless a document
   already contains one. The generated IDs resulting from a
   document-add operation can be obtained using the new
   get_generated_ids() method.
   This capability requires a MySQL 8.0 server. Because
   MySQL 5.7 does not support document ID generation, the
   document-add operation returns an error if you do not
   define the _id's.
   Incompatibility: The get_generated_ids() method replaces
   the now removed get_document_ids(). (Bug #27627366)

 * Added NOWAIT and SKIP_LOCKED support to the
   ReadStatement.lock_shared() and
   ReadStatement.lock_exclusive() methods. Example usage:

 * The C extension (cext) is now enabled by default, as the
   use_pure option changed from True to False by default.
   If the C extension is not available on the system then
   the Python implementation is used instead, and use_pure
   is set to True.

 * Added the X DevAPI SHA256_MEMORY authentication
   Example mysqlx.get_session() usages: ?auth=SHA256_MEMORY
   via a connection string, "auth":
   mysqlx.Auth.SHA256_MEMORY via a dictionary, or
   auth=mysqlx.Auth.SHA256_MEMORY via method parameters.

   Bugs Fixed

 * Warnings are now stored as a list of dictionaries instead
   of a list of tuples. In other words, get_warnings()
   returns the likes of [{"level": _level_, "code": _code_,
   "msg": _msg_}] instead of [(_level_, _code_, _msg_))].
   (Bug #27639119)

 * The mapped MySQL Server error codes were synced with
   MySQL Server 8.0.11. (Bug #27634885)

 * Removed upsert functionality from InsertStatement as it
   can only be used by collections, so upsert remains
   available to AddStatement. (Bug #27589450)

 * MySQLConverter.escape() functionality was added to
   create_schema()'s count mechanism. (Bug #27528842)

 * When using prepared statements, string columns were
   returned as bytearrays instead of strings. The returned
   value is now a string decoded using the connection's
   charset (defaults to 'utf8'), or as a bytearray if this
   conversion fails. (Bug #27364914)

 * The result from JSON_TYPE() was returned as a bytearray
   instead of a string. The returned value is now a string
   decoded using the connection's charset (defaults to
   'utf8'), or as a bytearray if this conversion fails. (Bug
   #24948205, Bug #83516)

 * JSON integer values were cast to bytes in Python instead
   of integers. (Bug #24948186, Bug #83513)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Cluster 7.3.20 has been released

2018-01-17 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
    checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication

  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 7.3.20, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !


Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.20 (5.6.39-ndb-7.3.20) (2018-01-17,
General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.20 is a new release of NDB Cluster,
   based on MySQL Server 5.6 and including features from version
   7.3 of the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing a number of
   recently discovered bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3, see
   What is New in NDB Cluster 7.3

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.6
   through MySQL 5.6.39 (see Changes in MySQL 5.6.39 (Not yet
   released, General Availability)

   Bugs Fixed

 * NDB Replication: On an SQL node not being used for a
   replication channel with sql_log_bin=0 it was possible
   after creating and populating an NDB table for a table
   map event to be written to the binary log for the created
   table with no corresponding row events. This led to
   problems when this log was later used by a slave cluster
   replicating from the mysqld where this table was created.
   Fixed this by adding support for maintaining a cumulative
   any_value bitmap for global checkpoint event operations
   that represents bits set consistently for all rows of a
   specific table in a given epoch, and by adding a check to
   determine whether all operations (rows) for a specific
   table are all marked as NOLOGGING, to prevent the
   addition of this table to the Table_map held by the
   binlog injector.
   As part of this fix, the NDB API adds a new
   getNextEventOpInEpoch3() method which provides
   information about any AnyValue received by making it
   possible to retrieve the cumulative any_value bitmap.
   (Bug #26333981)

 * A query against the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table
   returned no results when it included an ORDER BY clause.
   (Bug #26877788)

 * The NDBFS block's OM_SYNC flag is intended to make sure
   that all FSWRITEREQ signals used for a given file are
   synchronized, but was ignored by platforms that do not
   support O_SYNC, meaning that this feature did not behave
   properly on those platforms. Now the synchronization flag
   is used on those platforms that do not support O_SYNC.
   (Bug #76975, Bug #21049554)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Cluster 7.3.19 has been released

2017-10-18 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication

  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 7.3.19, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !


Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.19 (5.6.38-ndb-7.3.19) (2017-10-18, 
General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.19 is a new release of NDB Cluster,
   based on MySQL Server 5.6 and including features from version
   7.3 of the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing a number of
   recently discovered bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3, see
   What is New in NDB Cluster 7.3

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes and
   feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.6
   through MySQL 5.6.38 (see Changes in MySQL 5.6.38 (Not yet
   released, General Availability)

   Bugs Fixed

 * Added DUMP code 7027 to facilitate testing of issues
   relating to local checkpoints. For more information, see
   DUMP 7027
(Bug #26661468)

 * A previous fix intended to improve logging of node
   failure handling in the transaction coordinator included
   logging of transactions that could occur in normal
   operation, which made the resulting logs needlessly
   verbose. Such normal transactions are no longer written
   to the log in such cases. (Bug #26568782)
   References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26364729.

 * Some DUMP codes used for the LGMAN kernel block were
   incorrectly assigned numbers in the range used for codes
   belonging to DBTUX. These have now been assigned symbolic
   constants and numbers in the proper range (10001, 10002,
   and 10003). (Bug #26365433)

 * Node failure handling in the DBTC kernel block consists
   of a number of tasks which execute concurrently, and all
   of which must complete before TC node failure handling is
   complete. This fix extends logging coverage to record
   when each task completes, and which tasks remain,
   includes the following improvements:

  + Handling interactions between GCP and node failure
handling interactions, in which TC takeover causes
GCP participant stall at the master TC to allow it
to extend the current GCI with any transactions that
were taken over; the stall can begin and end in
different GCP protocol states. Logging coverage is
extended to cover all scenarios. Debug logging is
now more consistent and understandable to users.

  + Logging done by the QMGR block as it monitors
duration of node failure handling duration is done
more frequently. A warning log is now generated
every 30 seconds (instead of 1 minute), and this now
includes DBDIH block debug information (formerly
this was written separately, and less often).

  + To reduce space used, DBTC instance number: is
shortened to DBTC number:.

  + A new error code is added to assist testing.
   (Bug #26364729)

 * A potential hundredfold signal fan-out when sending a
   START_FRAG_REQ signal could lead to a node failure due to
   a job buffer full error in start phase 5 while trying to
   perform a local checkpoint during a restart. (Bug #86675,
   Bug #26263397)
   References: See also: Bug #26288247, Bug #26279522.

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.5 DMR has been released

2017-09-28 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.5 dmr is the sixth development release of the
MySQL Connector Python 8.0 series. This series adds support for the new X
DevAPI.  The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that
combines the strengths of the relational and document models using a
modern, NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience
writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more information
about how the X DevAPI is implemented in MySQL Connector/Python, and its
usage, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires MySQL Server version 5.7.12 or
higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation about how to
get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.5 dmr, see the "Development
Releases" tab at


Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.5 (2017-09-28, Development Milestone)

 * Packaging Notes

 * Functionality Added or Changed

   Packaging Notes

 * MySQL Connector/Python packages are now available in two
   formats: Pure Python packages that contain only Python
   files, and packages that contain the Python files plus
   the C Extension and C Protobuf extension. Exception
   platforms are Solaris, macOS, and Windows, for which
   packages containing the Python files and C extensions are
   available but not pure Python packages. (Bug #26648417)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * MySQL Connector/Python now supports connections to MySQL
   accounts that use the caching_sha2_password
   authentication plugin (see SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication
   gable-authentication.html)). This requires MySQL server
   version 8.0.3 or higher. It also requires use of a secure
   connection because Connector/Python does not support RSA
   encryption for password exchange.

 * MySQL Connector/Python now supports an auth connection
   option to specify the authentication methanism. Permitted
   values are plain, mysql41, and external. The option name
   and value are not case sensitive.
   If the authentication mechanism is not specified, it
   defaults to plain for secure (TLS) or Unix socket
   connections, or mysql41 for insecure connections.

 * MySQL Connector/Python now supports a pure Python
   implementation of Protobuf. Consequently, the Protobuf C
   extension has become optional. Connector/Python will use
   the Python implementation if the C extension is not
   available. The Protobuf Python package is required if it
   is desired not to use the C extension.
   The version requirements are Protobuf C++ 2.6.0 or
   higher, Protobuf Python 3.0.0 or higher.

 * A mysqlx.sessions variable is now exposed to scripts that
   can be used for session-related tasks such as saving or
   loading session configuration information.

 * These methods have been added for Collection:
   add_or_replace_one(), get_one(), replace_one(), and

 * These methods have been added for FindStatement and
   SelectStatement, to enable shared and exclusive locks to
   be acquired: lock_shared() and lock_exclusive().

 * There is support for new forms of comparisons that use
   the IN operator:
item IN list
item IN document path
dict IN dict

   The left-hand-side value must be castable to the JSON


The source distribution includes the manual in various formats under
the docs/ folder.

Reporting Bugs

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:

On Behalf of the MySQL/Oracle Release Engineering Team,
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.4.16 has been released

2017-07-18 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
e no pending expansion
   or shrinkage operations on this fragment. (Bug #86449,
   Bug #26138592)

 * The internal function execute_signals() in mt.cpp read
   three section pointers from the signal even when none was
   passed to it. This was mostly harmless, although
   unneeded. When the signal read was the last one on the
   last page in the job buffer, and the next page in memory
   was not mapped or otherwise accessible, ndbmtd failed
   with an error. To keep this from occurring, this function
   now only reads section pointers that are actually passed
   to it. (Bug #86354, Bug #26092639)

 * The ndb_show_tables program --unqualified option did not
   work correctly when set to 0 (false); this should disable
   the option and so cause fully qualified table and index
   names to be printed in the output. (Bug #86017, Bug

 * When an NDB table with foreign key constraints is
   created, its indexes are created first, and then, during
   foreign key creation, these indexes are loaded into the
   NDB dictionary cache. When a CREATE TABLE statement
   failed due to an issue relating to foreign keys, the
   indexes already in the cache were not invalidated. This
   meant that any subsequent CREATE TABLE with any indexes
   having the same names as those in the failed statement
   produced inconsistent results. Now, in such cases, any
   indexes named in the failed CREATE TABLE are immediately
   invalidated from the cache. (Bug #85917, Bug #25882950)

 * Attempting to execute ALTER TABLE ... ADD FOREIGN KEY
   when the key to be added had the name of an existing
   foreign key on the same table failed with the wrong error
   message. (Bug #85857, Bug #23068914)

 * The node internal scheduler (in mt.cpp) collects
   statistics about its own progress and any outstanding
   work it is performing. One such statistic is the number
   of outstanding send bytes, collected in
   send_buffer::m_node_total_send_buffer_size. This
   information may later be used by the send thread
   scheduler, which uses it as a metric to tune its own send
   performance versus latency.
   In order to reduce lock contention on the internal send
   buffers, they are split into two thr_send_buffer parts,
   m_buffer and m_sending, each protected by its own mutex,
   and their combined size repesented by
   Investigation of the code revealed that there was no
   consistency as to which mutex was used to update
   m_node_total_send_buffer_size, with the result that there
   was no consurrency protection for this value. To avoid
   this, m_node_total_send_buffer_size is replaced with two
   values, m_buffered_size and m_sending_size, which keep
   separate track of the sizes of the two buffers. These
   counters are updated under the protection of two
   different mutexes protecting each buffer individually,
   and are now added together to obtain the total size.
   With concurrency control established, updates of the
   partial counts should now be correct, so that their
   combined value no longer accumulates errors over time.
   (Bug #85687, Bug #25800933)

 * Dropped TRANS_AI signals that used the long signal format
   were not handled by the DBTC kernel block. (Bug #85606,
   Bug #25777337)
   References: See also: Bug #85519, Bug #27540805.

 * To prevent a scan from returning more rows, bytes, or
   both than the client has reserved buffers for, the DBTUP
   kernel block reports the size of the TRANSID_AI it has
   sent to the client in the TUPKEYCONF signal it sends to
   the requesting DBLQH block. DBLQH is aware of the maximum
   batch size available for the result set, and terminates
   the scan batch if this has been exceeded.
   The DBSPJ block's FLUSH_AI attribute allows DBTUP to
   produce two TRANSID_AI results from the same row, one for
   the client, and one for DBSPJ, which is needed for key
   lookups on the joined tables. The size of both of these
   were added to the read length reported by the DBTUP
   block, which caused the controlling DBLQH block to
   believe that it had consumed more of the available
   maximum batch size than was actually the case, leading to
   premature termination of the scan batch which could have
   a negative impact on performance of SPJ scans. To correct
   this, only the actual read length part of an API request
   is now reported in such cases. (Bug #85408, Bug

 * When compiling the NDB kernel with gcc version 6.0.0 or
   later, it is now built using -flifetime-dse=1. (Bug
   #85381, Bug #25690926)

On Behalf of Oracle MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Connector/Net 8.0.8-dmr has been released

2017-07-10 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
t links for reference): 
Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the Oracle MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Community Server 5.6.36 has been released

2017-04-10 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.6.36, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.6.36 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.6, please see

 Starting with 5.6.11, Microsoft Windows packages for MySQL 5.6
 are available both as a "full" installer and as a "web" installer.
 The full installer is significantly larger and comes bundled with
 the latest software releases available. This bundle makes it easy
 to download and configure a full server and development suite.

 The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
 and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
 products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
 much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
 will need to be downloaded.

For information on installing MySQL 5.6.36 on new servers or upgrading
to MySQL 5.6.36 from previous MySQL releases, please see

MySQL Server is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc:

The following section lists the changes in the MySQL 5.6 since
the release of MySQL 5.6.35. It may also be viewed
online at



Changes in MySQL 5.6.36 (2017-04-10, General Availability)

 * Compilation Notes

 * Configuration Notes

 * Packaging Notes

 * Security Notes

 * Thread Pool Notes

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Compilation Notes

 * Windows builds now use the default runtime libraries
   (builds use the /MD flag). (Bug #25611609)

 * CMake support was added for compiling with Developer
   Studio 12.6. (Bug #25384295)

   Configuration Notes

 * MySQL failed to compile if -DENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC=OFF AND
   -DWITH_DEBUG=ON were both given. The ENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC
   option has been removed and enabling WITH_DEBUG enables
   Debug Sync. (Bug #18374703)

   Packaging Notes

 * Changes in RPM package structure require a larger set of
   packages to be removed to install MySQL Server cleanly.
   (Bug #25603087)

 * To avoid potential race conditions, Debian packages now
   use the GNU install utility rather than a combination of
   mkdir, touch, and chown. (Bug #25258829)

 * CMake-generated packaging for Debian/Ubuntu packages was
   refactored for improved maintainability. The change
   includes updated logic for correctly replacing native
   distribution packaging in Debian and Ubuntu. (Bug
   #25126961, Bug #25251872, Bug #84198)

 * Reminder: MySQL 5.6 requires the Microsoft Visual C++
   2010 Redistributable Package to run on Windows platforms.
   Users should make sure the package has been installed on
   the system before starting the server. The package is
   available at the Microsoft Download Center

   Security Notes

 * The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial
   Server has been updated to version 1.0.2k. For a
   description of issues fixed in this version, see
   This change does not affect the Oracle-produced MySQL
   Community build of MySQL Server, which uses the yaSSL
   library instead. (Bug #25768671)

 * The mysql_options() C API function now supports a
   MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE option. The only permitted option
   value is SSL_MODE_REQUIRED, to require a secure
   connection to the server. It causes mysql_real_connect()
   to fail if an encrypted connection cannot be obtained,
   without falling back to an unencrypted connection. Thus,
   mysql_real_connect() returns an error if the server does
   not support SSL or the client is not configured to use
   SSL. The client/server exchange terminates immediately
   after the initial server packet has been received if the
   server indicates that it does not support SSL.
   To require an encrypted connection in MySQL 5.6, the
   standard MySQL client programs call mysql_options() to
   set MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE if the --ssl-mode=REQUIRED
   command-line option was specified. Third-party
   applications that must be able to require encrypted
   connections can use the same techniq

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.7 m6 has been released

2017-03-16 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.7 is the fourth development release that expands
cross-platform support to Linux and OS X when using Microsoft's .NET Core
framework. Now, .NET developers can use the X DevAPI with .NET Core and
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 1.0 to create server applications that run
on Windows, Linux and OS X. We are very excited about this change and
really look forward to your feedback on it!

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.7 is also the sixth development release of MySQL
Connector/Net to add support for the new X DevAPI.  The X DevAPI enables
application developers to write code that combines the strengths of the
relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that
does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more
information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/Net, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version
5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation
about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.7 M6, see the "Development
Releases" tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.7 (Not yet released,

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * X DevAPI: Added support for Internet Protocol version 6
   (IPv6) addresses. Host names can now resolve as IPv4 or
   IPv6 addresses.

 * X DevAPI: Connection string syntax is now identical to
   the URI scheme, which provides a cross-product syntax for
   defining the connection data to establish a session.

 * X DevAPI: Added new methods to the Schema class to
   create, alter, and drop views. Usage notes include:

  + Views created with the
Schema.CreateView().DefinedAs() method chain are
supported for use with the table Select method, but
are not supported with the collection Find method.

  + A collection view created in the database by some
mechanism other than the CreateView method is not
defined as a view by Table.IsView.

  + Query objects assigned to a view with the CreateView
method are static, even when the underlying query

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.0 alpha has been released

2016-12-09 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.10.0 alpha is the first release to provide Entity
Framework Core 1.1 support and to enable compression in the .NET Core
version of the driver for enhanced cross-platform application

To download MySQL Connector/Net 6.10.0 alpha, see the "Development
Releases" tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 6.10.0 (2016-12-09, Alpha)

   Known limitation of this release: DbContext within an
   application can emit an unhandled exception. Due to this
   limitation, MySQL Connector/Net 6.9.9 is the preferred
   version to use with EF6.

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Support for compression was extended to the .NET Core
   version of the driver.

 * Added support for Entity Framework (EF) Core 1.1.

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Release Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Connector/NET 7.0.6 m5 development has been released

2016-10-28 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.6 is the third development release that expands
cross-platform support to Linux and OS X when using Microsoft's .NET Core
framework. Now, .NET developers can use the X DevAPI with .NET Core and
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 1.0 to create server applications that run
on Windows, Linux and OS X. We are very excited about this change and
really look forward to your feedback on it!

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.6 is also the fifth development release of MySQL
Connector/Net to add support for the new X DevAPI.  The X DevAPI enables
application developers to write code that combines the strengths of the
relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that
does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more
information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/Net, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version
5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation
about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.6 M5, see the "Development
Releases" tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.6 (2016-10-28)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * X DevAPI: The SessionConfig class, SessionConfigManager
   class, and IpersistenceHandler interface were added for
   session-configuration management to represent all the
   information associated with a session.

 * EF Core: Added all-platform compliance support for the
   .NET Framework stack (Console, WPF, WinForms, and
   ASP.NET) and compatibility with ASP.NET 5 when using the
   .NET Framework or .NET Core version.

 * Added the following functionality for saving changes in
   EF Core:

  + Basic save operation to persist entity-instance
changes to the database.

  + Optimistic concurrency to protect against
overwriting changes made by another user after data
was fetched from the database.

   Bugs Fixed

 * EF Core: A missing function used when a model is added or
   changed caused the migration generation to fail.
   MySQLHistoryRepository now implements get_existssql().
   (Bug #24804771)

 * EF Core: An SQL syntax error was emitted when the
   Contains operator was used in the Where predicate of a
   LINQ query. This fix requires the use of EF Core version
   1.1 or later. (Bug #24797524)

 * An Entity Framework DbContext object created with a
   column of type DateTimeOffset returned an error
   indicating that DateTimeOffset values were incompatible
   with DateTime and Timestamp values. (Bug #24732001)

 * X DevAPI: The GetCollections(), GetTable(), and
   GetTables() methods threw
   System.InvalidOperationException: name is not a valid
   column name in the row. (Bug #24385662)

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Release Engineering Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Community Server 5.6.34 has been released

2016-10-12 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.6.34, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.6.34 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.6, please see

 Starting with 5.6.11, Microsoft Windows packages for MySQL 5.6
 are available both as a "full" installer and as a "web" installer.
 The full installer is significantly larger and comes bundled with
 the latest software releases available. This bundle makes it easy
 to download and configure a full server and development suite.

 The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
 and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
 products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
 much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
 will need to be downloaded.

For information on installing MySQL 5.6.34 on new servers or upgrading
to MySQL 5.6.34 from previous MySQL releases, please see

MySQL Server is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc:

The following section lists the changes in MySQL 5.6 since
the release of MySQL 5.6.33. It may also be viewed
online at


Changes in MySQL 5.6.34 (2016-10-12)

 * Packaging Notes

 * Security Notes

 * Functionality Added or Changed

   Packaging Notes

 * RPM and Debian packages now create the
   /var/lib/mysql-files directory, which is now the default
   value of the secure_file_priv system variable that
   specifies a directory for import and export operations.
   (Bug #24709892, Bug #24761774)

   Security Notes

 * Incompatible Change: The secure_file_priv system variable
   is used to limit the effect of data import and export
   operations. The following changes have been made to how
   the server handles this variable:

  + secure_file_priv can be set to NULL to disable all
import and export operations.

  + The server checks the value of secure_file_priv at
startup and writes a warning to the error log if the
value is insecure. A non-NULL value is considered
insecure if it is empty, or the value is the data
directory or a subdirectory of it, or a directory
that is accessible by all users. If secure_file_priv
is set to a nonexistent path, the server writes an
error message to the error log and exits.

  + Previously, the secure_file_priv system variable was
empty by default. Now the default value is platform
specific and depends on the value of the
INSTALL_LAYOUT CMake option, as shown in the
following table.

INSTALL_LAYOUT ValueDefault secure_file_priv Value
 DEB, RPM, SLES, SVR4/var/lib/mysql-files
 Otherwise   mysql-files under the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX value

  + To specify the default secure_file_priv value
explicitly if you are building from source, use the
specify a directory for the embedded server, set the
default value is NULL.
   (Bug #24679907, Bug #24695274, Bug #24707666)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.4.2. This upgrade
   corrects issues with: Potential AES side channel leaks;
   DSA padding for unusual sizes; the
   SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() OpenSSL compatibility
   function failing to handle long path directory names.
   (Bug #24512715, Bug #24740291)

MySQL Community Server 5.6.33 has been released

2016-09-06 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
sed in operations with long integer
   values could result in buffer overflow. (Bug #19984392)

 * A spurious ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE error could occur when
   attempting to execute a prepared CREATE TABLE ... SELECT
   statement that used a temporary table in the FROM clause
   and called a stored function. The same error could occur
   for a nonprepared version of the statement if used in a
   stored procedure when the procedure was re-executed. (Bug
   #16672723, Bug #68972)

 * EINTR handling in the client library has been fixed so
   that interrupted read and write calls are retried.
   Previously, EINTR was ignored. (Bug #82019, Bug

On Behalf of MySQL Release Engineering
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Community Server 5.6.32 has been released

2016-07-29 Thread Prashant Tekriwal
   MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP option enabled. (Bug #22322504,
   Bug #79510)

 * Installing MySQL from a yum or zypper repository resulted
   in /var/log/mysqld.log being created with incorrect user
   and group permissions. (Bug #21879694, Bug #78512)

 * If a stored function updated a view for which the view
   table had a trigger defined that updated another table,
   it could fail and report an error that an existing table
   did not exist. (Bug #21142859, Bug #76808)

 * If an INSTALL PLUGIN statement contained invalid UTF-8
   characters in the shared library name, it caused the
   server to hang (or to raise an assertion in debug
   builds). (Bug #14653594, Bug #23080148)

 * For multibyte character sets, LOAD DATA could fail to
   allocate space correctly and ignore input rows as a
   result. (Bug #76237, Bug #20683959, Bug #23080148)
   References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #14653594.

On Behalf of MySQL RE Team
Prashant Tekriwal

MySQL Connector/NET 7.0.3 m2 development has been released

2016-06-20 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.3 is the second development release of MySQL
Connector/Net to add support for the new X DevAPI.  The X DevAPI enables
application developers to write code that combines the strengths of the
relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that
does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more
information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/Net, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version
5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation
about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.3 (2016-06-20, Milestone 2)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Fixed binary collations as strings instead of bytes.

 * Added TLS support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 when connecting
   to MySQL Server 5.7.

   Bugs Fixed

 * Added results to the Commit() and Rollback() Session X
   DevAPI methods, in order to read Warnings. This feature
   has limitations that will be addressed in a future

 * Replaced the use of "@" for "$" in JSON path expressions
   for X DevAPI usage. This feature has limitations that
   will be addressed in a future release.

 * Added X DevAPI support for TLSv1.0. This feature has
   limitations that will be addressed in a future release.

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Release Team

MySQL Community Server 5.5.50 has been released

2016-06-02 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.5.50 is a new version of the 5.5 production release
of the world's most popular open source database. MySQL 5.5.50 is
recommended for use on production systems.

MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact enhancements to improve the
performance and scalability of the MySQL Database, taking advantage of
the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In
addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for
the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity
and crash recovery by default.

MySQL 5.5 also provides a number of additional enhancements including:

  - Significantly improved performance on Windows, with various
Windows specific features and improvements
  - Higher availability, with new semi-synchronous replication and
Replication Heartbeat
  - Improved usability, with Improved index and table partitioning,
SIGNAL/RESIGNAL support and enhanced diagnostics, including a new
Performance Schema monitoring capability.

For a more complete look at what's new in MySQL 5.5, please see the
following resources:

MySQL 5.5 is GA, Interview with Tomas Ulin:


If you are running a MySQL production level system, we would like to
direct your attention to MySQL Enterprise Edition, which includes the
most comprehensive set of MySQL production, backup, monitoring,
modeling, development, and administration tools so businesses can
achieve the highest levels of MySQL performance, security and uptime.

For information on installing MySQL 5.5.50 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

For upgrading from previous MySQL releases, please see the important
upgrade considerations at:

MySQL Database 5.5.50 is available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from our download pages at:

The following section lists the changes in the MySQL source code since
the previous released version of MySQL 5.5. It may also be viewed
online at:



Changes in MySQL 5.5.50 (2016-06-02)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * The version of the tcmalloc library included in MySQL
   distributions was very old. It has been removed and is no
   longer included with MySQL. (Bug #80994, Bug #23068660)

   Bugs Fixed

   table with a foreign key constraint defined failed with
   an incorrect "duplicate entry" error rather than a
   foreign key constraint violation error. (Bug #23135731)
   References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #78853,
   Bug #22037930.

 * Setting sort_buffer_size to a very large value could
   cause some operations to fail with an out-of-memory
   error. (Bug #22594514)

 * Several potential buffer overflow issues were corrected.
   (Bug #21977380, Bug #23187436, Bug #23202778, Bug
   #23195370, Bug #23202699)

 * If the CA certificate as given to the --ssl-ca option had
   an invalid path, yaSSL returned an error message
   different from OpenSSL. Now both return SSL connection
   error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed. (Bug

 * Some string functions returned one or a combination of
   their parameters as their result. If one of the
   parameters had a non-ASCII character set, the result
   string had the same character set, resulting in incorrect
   behavior when an ASCII string was expected. (Bug

 * A null pointer dereference of a parser structure could
   occur during stored procedure name validation. (Bug
   #79396, Bug #22286421)

 * mysqld_multi displayed misleading error messages when it
   was unable to execute my_print_defaults. (Bug #74636, Bug

MySQL Cluster 7.2.24 has been released

2016-04-20 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http and Memcached)

MySQL Cluster 7.2.24, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.24 (5.5.48-ndb-7.2.24) (2016-04-19)

   MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.24 is a new release of MySQL Cluster,
   incorporating new features in the NDB storage engine, and
   fixing recently discovered bugs in previous MySQL Cluster NDB
   7.2 development releases.

   Obtaining MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.  MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   This release also incorporates all bugfixes and changes made
   in previous MySQL Cluster releases, as well as all bugfixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.5
   through MySQL 5.5.48 (see Changes in MySQL 5.5.48 (2016-02-05)

   Bugs Fixed

 * Restoration of metadata with ndb_restore -m occasionally
   failed with the error message Failed to create index...
   when creating a unique index. While diagnosing this
   problem, it was found that the internal error
   PREPARE_SEIZE_ERROR (a temporary error) was reported as
   an unknown error. Now in such cases, ndb_restore retries
   the creation of the unique index, and PREPARE_SEIZE_ERROR
   is reported as NDB Error 748 Busy during read of event
   table. (Bug #21178339)
   References: See also Bug #22989944.

MySQL Cluster 7.2.23 has been released

2016-01-19 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http and Memcached)

MySQL Cluster 7.2.23, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !


Changes in MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.23 (5.5.47-ndb-7.2.23) (2016-01-19)

   MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.23 is a new release of MySQL Cluster,
   incorporating new features in the NDB storage engine, and
   fixing recently discovered bugs in previous MySQL Cluster NDB
   7.2 development releases.

   Obtaining MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.  MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   This release also incorporates all bugfixes and changes made
   in previous MySQL Cluster releases, as well as all bugfixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.5
   through MySQL 5.5.47 (see Changes in MySQL 5.5.47

   Bugs Fixed

 * In debug builds, a WAIT_EVENT while polling caused
   excessive logging to stdout. (Bug #22203672)

 * When executing a schema operation such as CREATE TABLE on
   a MySQL Cluster with multiple SQL nodes, it was possible
   for the SQL node on which the operation was performed to
   time out while waiting for an acknowledgement from the
   others. This could occur when different SQL nodes had
   different settings for --ndb-log-updated-only,
   --ndb-log-update-as-write, or other mysqld options
   effecting binary logging by NDB.
   This happened due to the fact that, in order to
   distribute schema changes between them, all SQL nodes
   subscribe to changes in the ndb_schema system table, and
   that all SQL nodes are made aware of each others
   subscriptions by subscribing to TE_SUBSCRIBE and
   TE_UNSUBSCRIBE events. The names of events to subscribe
   to are constructed from the table names, adding REPL$ or
   REPLF$ as a prefix. REPLF$ is used when full binary
   logging is specified for the table. The issue described
   previously arose because different values for the options
   mentioned could lead to different events being subscribed
   to by different SQL nodes, meaning that all SQL nodes
   were not necessarily aware of each other, so that the
   code that handled waiting for schema distribution to
   complete did not work as designed.
   To fix this issue, MySQL Cluster now treats the
   ndb_schema table as a special case and enforces full
   binary logging at all times for this table, independent
   of any settings for mysqld binary logging options. (Bug
   #22174287, Bug #79188)

 * Using ndb_mgm STOP -f to force a node shutdown even when
   it triggered a complete shutdown of the cluster, it was
   possible to lose data when a sufficient number of nodes
   were shut down, triggering a cluster shutodwn, and the
   timing was such that SUMA handovers had been made to
   nodes already in the process of shutting down. (Bug

 * The internal NdbEventBuffer::set_total_buckets() method
   calculated the number of remaining buckets incorrectly.
   This caused any incomplete epoch to be prematurely
   completed when the SUB_START_CONF signal arrived out of
   order. Any events belonging to this epoch arriving later
   were then ignored, and so effectively lost, which
   resulted in schema changes not being distributed
   correctly among SQL nodes. (Bug #79635, Bug #22363510)

 * Schema events were appended to the binary log out of
   order relative to non-schema events. This was caused by
   the fact that the binlog injector did not properly handle
   the case where schema events and non-schema events were
   from different epochs.
   This fix modifies the handling of events from the two
   schema and non-schema event streams such that events are
   now always handled one epoch at a time, start

MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6 has been released

2016-01-07 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release
of MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6.

This is a maintenance release for 1.2.x. It can be used for
production environments.

MySQL for Visual Studio is a product that includes all of the
Visual Studio integration functionality to create and manage
MySQL databases when developing .NET applications.

MySQL for Visual Studio is installed using the MySQL Installer
for Windows which comes in 2 versions:
   * Full (150 MB) which includes a complete set of MySQL products
 with their binaries included in the downloaded bundle.
   * Web (1.5 MB - a network install) which will just pull MySQL
 for Visual Studio over the web and install it when run.

You can download MySQL Installer from our official Downloads page at

MySQL for Visual Studio can also be downloaded by using the product
standalone installer found at

Changes in MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6 (2016-01-07)

   Bugs Fixed

 * With MySQL for Visual Studio installed, attempting to
   create MSSQL connections would fail and throw an
   exception. (Bug #22122881, Bug #77441)

 * The Tools, Extensions and Updates, Installed, Tools
   window always reported "1.0.0" as the current MySQL for
   Visual Studio version number. (Bug #22114385)

 * Executing Generate Database from Model from an existing
   Entity Framework model would throw an exception related
   to an error with the T4 template file, when then aborted
   the creation of the database. The Connector/Net Entity
   Framework assembly (MySql.Data.Entity.EF6.dll) path was
   fixed in the MySQL T4 template file (
   (Bug #20234532, Bug #74388)

 * With Visual Studio 2012, generating a database from a
   model would fail and throw an exception. However,
   clicking OK after the error would cause the action to
   succeed. (Bug #18181649)

What Is New In MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2
- New MySQL Project Items for creating data views in Windows Forms and
  ASP.NET MVC web applications.

- A new option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Personalization
  Provider (this feature requires MySQL Connector/NET 6.9 or newer).

- A new option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Site Map
  Provider   (this feature requires MySQL Connector/NET 6.9 or newer).

- A new option for the MySQLSimpleMembership provider in the web
  configuration tool. (This feature requires MySQL Connector/NET or newer).

MySQL Windows Forms Project Item
This Project Item is available on the Add New Item dialog in Visual Studio
when adding a new item to an existing project.

The dialog presented to create the MySQL Windows Forms Project Item
automates the generation of a Windows Form, representing a view for
MySQL data available through an existing Entity Framework's model
entity containing a MySQL table or view.

Different view types are available to present the data:
   * Single-column: A form that contains one control by each existing
 column in the table with navigation controls and that allows CRUD
 operations.All controls can include validations for numeric and
 DateTime data types.

   * Grid: A form with a data grid view that contains navigation controls.

   * Master-detail: A form with a single control layout for the Parent 

 and a data grid view to navigate through child table's data.

Supported with C# or Visual Basic language. This feature requires
Connector/NET 6.7.5, 6.8.3 or 6.9.x.

For more details on the features included check the documentation at:

MySQL ASP.NET MVC Project Item

This Project Item is available on the Add New Item dialog in Visual Studio
when adding a new item to an existing project.

The dialog presented to create the MySQL ASP.NET MVC Item automates the
generation of a controller and its corresponding view, representing a view
for MySQL data available through an existing Entity Framework's model entity
containing a MySQL table or view. The MVC versions supported by this wizard
are 3 when using Visual Studio 2010 or 2012, and 4 when using Visual Studio
2013 or greater.

The generation of the MVC items is done by creating an Entity Framework data
model either with Entity Framework version 5 or 6 depending on the user's

Supported with C# or Visual Basic language. This feature requires
Connector/NET 6.7.5, 6.8.3 or 6.9.x.

For more details on the features included check the documentation at:

New option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Personalization 

MySQL Cluster 7.2.22 has been released

2015-10-19 Thread Prashant Tekriwal

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
checkpointing to disk)
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http and Memcached)

MySQL Cluster 7.2.22, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.22 (5.5.46-ndb-7.2.22) (2015-10-19)

   MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.22 is a new release of MySQL Cluster,
   incorporating new features in the NDB storage engine, and
   fixing recently discovered bugs in previous MySQL Cluster NDB
   7.2 development releases.

   Obtaining MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2.  MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   This release also incorporates all bugfixes and changes made
   in previous MySQL Cluster releases, as well as all bugfixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.5
   through MySQL 5.5.46 (see Changes in MySQL 5.5.46 (2015-09-30)

   Bugs Fixed

 * Backup block states were reported incorrectly during
   backups. (Bug #21360188)
   References: See also Bug #20204854, Bug #21372136.

 * When a data node is known to have been alive by other
   nodes in the cluster at a given global checkpoint, but
   its sysfile reports a lower GCI, the higher GCI is used
   to determine which global checkpoint the data node can
   recreate. This caused problems when the data node being
   started had a clean file system (GCI = 0), or when it was
   more than more global checkpoint behind the other nodes.
   Now in such cases a higher GCI known by other nodes is
   used only when it is at most one GCI ahead. (Bug
   References: See also Bug #20334650, Bug #2183. This
   bug was introduced by Bug #29167.

 * After restoring the database schema from backup using
   ndb_restore, auto-discovery of restored tables in
   transactions having multiple statements did not work
   correctly, resulting in Deadlock found when trying to get
   lock; try restarting transaction errors.
   This issue was encountered both in the mysql client, as
   well as when such transactions were executed by
   application programs using Connector/J and possibly other
   MySQL APIs.
   Prior to upgrading, this issue can be worked around by
   all SQL nodes following the restore operation, before
   executing any other statements. (Bug #18075170)

 * ndb_desc used with the --extra-partition-info and
   --blob-info options failed when run against a table
   containing one or more TINYBLOB. columns. (Bug #14695968)

 * Cluster API: The internal value representing the latest
   global checkpoint was not always updated when a completed
   epoch of event buffers was inserted into the event queue.
   This caused subsequent calls to Ndb::pollEvents() and
   pollEvents2() to fail when trying to obtain the correct
   GCI for the events available in the event buffers. This
   could also result in later calls to nextEvent() or
   nextEvent2() seeing events that had not yet been
   discovered. (Bug #78129, Bug #21651536)

 * Cluster API: While executing dropEvent(), if the
   coordinator DBDICT failed after the subscription manager
   (SUMA block) had removed all subscriptions but before the
   coordinator had deleted the event from the system table,
   the dropped event remained in the table, causing any
   subsequent drop or create event with the same name to
   fail with NDB error 1419 Subscription already dropped or
   error 746 Event name already exists. This occurred even
   when calling dropEvent() with a nonzero force argument.
   Now in such cases, error 1419 is ignored, and DBDICT
   deletes the event from the table. (Bug #21554676)

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