After wrestling with 0.17 for a while and not really getting anywhere with figuring out why mythbackend won't stay running, I've restored my system to the state where it was running 0.16.

Everything's running fine now. No NFS errors, no mythbackend crashing. Perhaps at some point I may give 0.17 another shot, but right now I'm liking having a system that I don't need to worry about. :)

An interesting post I've found is this:

Very good information there about how to get good looking video output. I had installed an nVidia MX4000 card in my Pundit. By default it seemed to help a bit, but where it really shines is the ability to do vsync stuff. With the 6629 drivers and GLX Vsync support compiled in MythTV, the difference is quite significant.

With no deinterlacing, the output looks very nice. Vsync really helps with the jitter I'd see with the Pundit's onboard SIS graphics. I've played around a little bit with Bob deinterlacing. The smoothness of the motion with Bob enabled is spectacular. However the resolution slightly suffers as a result. I guess you need to choose which is more important to you, resolution or smooth motion. Without dedicated hardware such as the PVR-350, that's probably as good as it gets.

I can't say what exactly was wrong with my MythTV 0.17 setup, but from what I have gathered, at least a few others here were seeing the same sort of problems with mythbackend just disappearing. Considering the time I've put into the thing lately, I think I'm more than happy to just leave it at 0.16 unless I or somebody else has a brainstorm as to the cause.

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