Hello to all,

I apologize in advance if this is a known issue, but I wasn't able to dig out answers via archive's search engine.

Currently CGIs (version 3.x) enable filtering only based on a single entity:
- host
- hostgroup
- servicegroup
For example status.cgi?host=web.server&servicegroup=web_shop will take the last entity listed and show me all services in servicegroup web_shop on all hosts.

In addition, I'm aware that it is possible to filter further with host/service status type and properties. Even for that dropdown box would be nicer than guessing what individual code means.

Currently I solve this by creating servicegroups like "<host>-<servicegroup>" or "<hostgroup>-<servicegroup>" which allow me to get what I want on interface.

Could someone confirm that mixing of these filters is impossible? Or if there is patch available for this feature? Or if something like this will be implemented in future?

Thanks in advance,

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