Re: [Nagios-users] Check result used as an argument for the next check

2009-07-08 Thread RijilV
2009/7/8 Marc-André Doll :
> Is there a way to use the result of a check (the return value or the
> output for example) as an argument for the next check. I need to keep an
> history of the checks of one particular service in order to compare the
> previous check result with the current one.
> I thought to use the $SERVICESTATEID$ and $SERVICEOUTPUT$ macros but the
> documentation says that would make no sense because they are not
> initialized when a check is running.
> Marc-André Doll

I use $SERVICEPERFDATA$ all the time in my service check commands and
it works fine, I imagine you can use $SERVICEOUTPUT$ too.  It isn't
difficult to test, just write a little check command to spit the
unixtime stamp and whatever you pass to it back out, and feed it the
$SERVICEOUTPUT$ as an arguement.


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Re: [Nagios-users] differing notifications

2009-05-20 Thread RijilV
2009/5/20 Neil Dombrowski :
> I haven't been able to find an answer to this conundrum looking at the
> docs, faq, or googling. I'd love to hear any suggestions.
> We have two contact groups; group "adminmail" sends an email to our
> mailboxes and "adminphone" sends email to our phones. The idea is when a
> "warning" notification happens, adminmail gets notified, and when a
> "critical" notification happens adminphone gets notified.
> As a test I set up two services that check disk. For the first one I set:
> notification_options w,r
> contact_group         adminmail
> For the second service I set:
> notification_options  c
> contact_group         adminphone
> This works, but it's kludgy.  Is there a way to define one contact_group
> for a warning, and a different contact group for critical? We are
> currently running v1.2(yes, old), but will be upgrading eventually. I'd
> like to know if there's a solution I can implement now; if we need to
> upgrade to get this functionality I'd like to know as well.
> Thanks,
>    Neil

Just setup two contacts, one for adminmail that gets warnings, the
other for adminphone that gets crits.  Add them to the same
contract_group, then add that contact group to your service check.
This style/syntax hasn't changed really, save for in nagios 3.x you
don't need the contact group if you don't want it.


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Re: [Nagios-users] The icinga on the cake ...

2009-05-08 Thread RijilV
2009/5/8 Sean Carolan :
> This is, IMHO, one of the greatest problems with open source
> development.  Too much bickering, splintering and forking dilutes the
> value of the product.

Yeah, because out of all of the commercial closed source development
projects I've worked on, none of them have ever had bickering,
splintering, forking or anything else horrible go on with them.


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Re: [Nagios-users] What are the reasons to use NRPE?

2009-04-27 Thread RijilV
2009/4/27 Sean Carolan :
>> I just wonder what the reasons are to use NRPE in favour of checks
>> over ssh with ssh keys. To me, NRPE seems just one more piece of
>> software that may potentioally be broken and more hassle with
>> firewalls. Why do people still use it when ssh checks are just as
>> simple and (in my opinion) far more secure?
> I may be in the minority here but I also prefer using ssh with keys
> for our remote nagios checks.  We have a medium sized network, around
> 220 hosts and about 1550 active checks.  The reports of performance
> degradation are greatly exaggerated, IMHO.  Our average check time is
> less than one second which is more than fast enough for our needs.  By
> using ssh we avoided having to install NRPE on several different
> versions of Red Hat, and as you mentioned ssh is much more secure
> especially if you do it right (eg, password protected key, perhaps
> with keychain for loading into ssh-agent after you boot the server
> up).

I agree with using SSH.  If you search back through recent lists there
was some talk of using ssh connection master which will make SSH
greatly faster than NRPE.

As for security...not so much.  Both (can) use the same encryption
algorithms.  What really differs is SSH uses asymmetric encryption to
setup the shared keys whereas with NRPE you give it the shared key
(hence NRPE being faster, for the most part).  A shared key VS a
certificate I'm not feeling a real win with either side.  In one
case I need to grab a config file, in the other I need to grab a
ssh-key file...

The default to setup NRPE with explicit commands vs just allowing a
user to run arbitrary over SSH, NRPE comes out ahead here.  But its
not really any harder to setup SSH so each key corresponds to a
particular check.  And you can setup NRPE to allow you to execute any
command, which defeats the initial security you gain by limiting which
commands it can run.

As for having passwords on your keys and loading up a
ssh-agent...pffft.  If I can read your private key, I can read your
ssh-agent socket and the unencrypted SSH key stored in RAM from said
ssh-agent process.  The latter might actually be easier if we want to
go down the road of silly security (think firewire and DMA) since the
agent process is always going to be in RAM...


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Re: [Nagios-users] How to upgrade nagios Version 2.12 ?

2009-04-01 Thread RijilV
2009/4/1 J. Bakshi :
> Dear list,
> Hope you all are well.
> Nagios 3.x has been released :-) I'm running nagios Version 2.12 and
> like to upgrade it to 3.x
> Is there any script  which can convert the nagios 2.12 configuration to
> 3.X ?
> I did the configuration manually and it was a huge work, that's why I'm
> looking for a converter program this time.
> Thanks

Really not much has changed in terms of your objective configration
files.  There are some new features you might want to take advantage
of, but you're under no real obligation to use them.

What really changed are a couple of new lines in nagios.cfg.  Have you
tried running your existing configs with a nagios 3.0.x binary yet?
If you do that it'll spit out whats missing, which will be a couple of
paths that need to be added (tmp, check result off the top of my


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Re: [Nagios-users] Additional Info in email?

2009-04-01 Thread RijilV
2009/4/1 Andrew Davis :
> Perhaps I need to ask a clarification question... in my checkcommands.cfg,
> should I change $SERVICEOUTPUT$ to $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ or should I add the
> $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macro to the notify-service-by-email command? I'm
> thinking that some tests will write some data to $SERVICEOUTPUT$, but others
> can include additional info with $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$, so rather than change
> $SERVICEOUTPUT$ to $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$, I should add it? Perhaps something
> like this:
> Before:
> ~\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT$
> After:
> ~\n\nInfo:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT$\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$
>   A. Davis
>   Email:

So, one of the great things about Nagios, IMHO, is it's documentation.
 Check out:

In particular:

$SERVICEOUTPUT$ The first line of text output from the last service
check (i.e. "Ping OK").
$LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ The full text output (aside from the first line)
from the last service check.

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Re: [Nagios-users] NRPE vs. check_by_ssh

2009-03-25 Thread RijilV
2009/3/24 Christopher McAtackney :
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if someone could give a brief overview of the pros /
> cons of using NRPE to monitor my remote hosts versus using the
> check_by_ssh command?
> I'm aware that check_by_ssh increases the CPU overhead, but I'm not
> clear on the level of impact here - does this increase the load on the
> monitoring machine in direction relation to the number of hosts being
> monitored? For example, if I was using check_by_ssh to monitor, say,
> 2000 services spread across 200 hosts, would I experience significant
> slowdown on my monitoring machine?
> Cheers for any info,
> Chris

SSH is going to slow it down on both sides of the communication.  SSH
does quite a bit more in terms of setting up the connection which
involves using asymmetric encryption to setup a shared secret for
symmetric encryption and verifying keys for the asymmetric part,
verifying access, allocating a session.  Whereas NRPE even with
encryption just does a simple pre-shared secret for the symmetric
encryption, much faster even if using the same encryption algorithm

One thing you could do with SSH to speed it up (and I would argue make
it faster than NRPE depending on the stability of your network)) would
be to use ControlMaster.  ControlMaster is a SSH v2 feature, where you
create a connection and can open up multiple sessions with that
ControlMaster for other SSH processes.  This saves you not only the
key-exchange heavy lifting but also you're not opening up a new socket
on the remote host.  In order to really make it worth it you'd have to
spawn a process that was continuously connected.  I wrote an ugly
check_by_ssh that would spawn a ControlMaster if one didn't exist and
use it if it did.  Reduced the load/latency quite a bit for SSH
checks.  Though if I had to do it again I'd used 'ControlMaster auto'
(man 5 ssh_config) and create a separate check that was responsible
for maintaining the ControlMaster, then you could use the stock
check_by_ssh without any modifications.

That all being said, you might want to think about a distributed setup
anyhow, if nothing more for redundancy.  200 servers and 2,000 checks
is alot of responsibility for a singleton, you could break it 50/50
between two servers that could take over for the other one if it


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Re: [Nagios-users] Hosts are Critical

2009-03-23 Thread RijilV
2009/3/23  :
> Marc,
> it also is giving me the following error:
> Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing
> Sorry for not mentioning that before.  Thanks,
> Andy

yeah, that's probably the problem - nagios can't find / can't run the
plugin.  Make sure that the plugins are installed, nagios can run
them, and nagios knows where they are.

presumably you already installed the plugins through the RPMForge
repository, so they should be executable by the nagios user.

As for telling nagios where they are, you should have a commands file
that defines commands.  It'll use one the $USER$, most likely $USER1$.
 Edit resources.cfg and point $USER1$ (or whatever) to the correct
location of your nagios plugins, which will be where you installed
them.  Probably in /usr/lib/nagios/libexec on centos if memory servers
me right.


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Re: [Nagios-users] Empty Graphs

2009-03-13 Thread RijilV
2009/3/13 Eric Chatham 

>  Hello,
> Can someone help me with this?  None of my graphs have any information
> being displayed in them.  I’ve tried re-reading the INSTALL instructions
> thinking I may’ve missed a step.  It all seems to check out.  What
> information do you need from me.  I tried setting the debug level to (4) and
> insert_debug to 4 but nothing shows up in the log with any INSERT
> information.  Please help.  Thanks.  Just an FYI, I’m a really new to PERL
> and Linux altogether.
> *Eric Chatham*

So exactly what are you using for graphing?  Nagios by default doesn't do
any sort of graphing by itself.

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Re: [Nagios-users] Layer 2 connectivity awareness?

2009-03-11 Thread RijilV
2009/3/11 Victor Lee 

> In the course of my learning (just starting out) how to work with Nagios I
> have found that it isn't aware of layer 2 connections. In other words, if I
> have 2 switches with a trunk between them Nagios doesn't seem to provide me
> a way to either note that manually on the map nor does it seem to be aware
> of that type of connectivity. The same applies to servers, there doesn't
> seem to be a way to identify which switch a server is connected to. Now I
> admit this might be due to my limited knowledge of the product so I ask the
> members here. Am I correct in this assessment?

This isn't really what nagios does..  You might want to looks at something
like opsview if you want a picture of your network like that.  Also, fwiw, I
think what you're really asking for is a layer 1 map if you want to know
what host is plugged into what port - layer2 would be like what host is on a
particular broadcast domain.

I think most people give up on the nagios map pretty quickly, or at the most
setup a few partent/child hosts and leave it at that.

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Re: [Nagios-users] Different notifications depending on warning?

2009-02-16 Thread RijilV
2009/2/16 Israel Brewster 

> I don't know if this is possible, but is there any way to make nagios
> send different alerts (or, rather not send alerts) depending on what
> exactly a warning state is? My understanding is that nagios only looks
> at the return code, not the status text, so this shouldn't be
> possible, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

In the past I have written my own notification program to do similar things,
ie instead of having nagios send email directly, pass it off to some other
program that looks at whatever conditions you want and makes some decisions
based on that.

In this case you could just write a "printer notification" program that
doesn't send email when the service output says low on paper.

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Re: [Nagios-users] Acknowledgement Escalations

2009-01-21 Thread RijilV
2009/1/21 Mathieu Gagné 

> Hi,
> Here is the situation:
> Somebody acknowledges a problem and forget about it.
> How would you implement an acknowledgement escalation?
> Or how would you detect such situation where a host/service is
> down/critical for too long while being acknowledged?
> --
> Mathieu
Mmmm, there are a couple of technology things you could do for this, but the
root of this problem is people, not computers.  You need to work our a
process where people aren't ack'ing things just so they can fall back
asleep.  I personally suggest having nagios create a ticket with whatever
ticketing system you use (you use one right?!) so you can track that issue.
That and having a 24x7 NOC helps :)

Otherwise, write something that takes a look at the status file and find
services that are in a non-okay state but acknowledged and have been for
however long.  I wrote a simple nagios CFG parser that would be able to
handle it that's under the GPL at my former company for their Oracle
Monitoring:  There is another one
that will probably work somehwere on cpan.

I would probably write that program to un-acknowledge things as well as
alarming.  If it just alarmed, someone might acknowledge it and do nothing
about it. (since that's the problem you're having)   You can do the
un-acknowldeging though the nagios cmd file:

You can get the location of the command file from the macro $COMMANDFILE$.


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Re: [Nagios-users] Looking for a Nagios answering service

2009-01-07 Thread RijilV
2009/1/7 Baron Schwartz 

>   * filter out obvious spam

mmm, I think you might be designing for failure with that one.

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