Randy Bush wrote:

> >> There are requirements one can make of vendors.
> > These have been made, several times :) In fact there is an IETF working
> > group pushing these requirments now, Mr. Bush could provide the details
> > that have slipped my addled brain.
> it is not a wg.  but there is a draft being actively worked, see
> draft-jones-opsec-00.txt.

Closing in on -01 draft....target was this week, but sleep and
USENIX securtity (often incompatable) have conspired to
slow it down.

If you're interested, pull the current draft  and subscribe
to the mailing list

     echo "subscribe opsec" | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm currently integrating IETF BOF and mailing list feedback,
but once once -01 is out, I would like feedback from nanog
(don't spend *too* many cycles on -00 major changes/additions/
section renumbering in -01 "soon")

---George Jones

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