*Leo Bicknell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>If you don't have enable on a router, and you've never negotiated peering with a transit free ISP then you're not qualified to comment.

>You really don't understand what's going on here, and it's not, I repeat, not a technical problem. There is nothing wrong with the technology, architecture, or anything else. There is something wrong with the business >model of one, or both of these companies.


Well, I disagree.

I have no clue.

I am not an ISP

I do, however, have enable.

We do buy transit

There are lots of folks that have replied to this thread. A number of them have a lot of "clue". Some, like me, don't. If this list didn't have such lively discussions I would not have the education about how the "Internet" works that this list has given me. If only people with "clue" commented on things this would be a dull place indeed. Might just as well be a closed list.

For this, I thank all of you that have contributed.

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