[apologies for duplicates, hint: they have the same message-id]

Hi Network Operations Folk,

the holiday period is starting! A good time to consider preparing
a presentation at the European Operators Forum (EOF) to be held
during the 46th RIPE meeting in Amsterdam on September 1st and 2nd.

We would like to have as many practical, hands-on presentations
as possible this time. Remember: They do not have to be long. 
We prefer an stand-up interesting 10 minute presentation over 
a well prepared 90 minutes explanation of something not so 
interesting to operators.

Find some information about presenting below and think about all
those experiences this year that might be interesting to 
other operators.

For the EOF "Coordination Group".
Daniel Karrenberg



The European Operators Forum (EOF) exists for the exchange of Internet
operations experience.  It has evolved from the "information exchange"
part of the early RIPE meetings to provide an open forum outside of the
work programme of the working groups and the RIPE plenary.  The EOF aims
to attract presentations relevant to network operators, practical
"hands-on" reports, outlines of future developments and small tutorials. 
Product marketing presentations are not appropriate, user experience
reports are.  The EOF programme is assembled by an informal coordination
group that is always looking for new people who are able to help by 
attracting interesting presentations and supporting presenters.  
Contact: Daniel Karrenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Presenting at the EOF

The EOF wants to attract practical hands-on experience reports. 
We aim to make turning interesting experience into a presentation
as easy as possible. Consider the following:

- presentations do not have to be long
  Something interesting can be said in as little as 10 minutes. 
  This limits the time spent to prepare material and often is a good way
  to start for first-timers.

- support is available
  We will do our best to support you in preparing your presentation.
  If you want, we can help structuring your material, help to polish 
  language and arrange for a test-run of your presentation. We can also
  try to arrange for someone from the same country or region to support
  you if that is helpful. We can also help you find someone else to
  present your material in case you cannot make it to the meeting.
  In short: If you have something intersting to say, we will help you do it!
  Contact Daniel Karrenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for more information.

- no product marketing presentations
  The EOF is *not* an appropriate forum for product marketing presentations.
  User experience reports which are presented by users are definitely relevant.
  In-depth technical presentations or tutorials are also possible.

We expect to finalise the program in early August.  We will get back to you
then with scheduling details.  In the meantime please provide the
information below.  We place special emphasis on the abstract which
should contain references to related material already available if
possible.  Please send this to eof-coord at-sign ripe.net. 

        - Author(s)
        - Speaker
        - (Working) Title 
        - Abstract
        - Draft Presentation (if available)
        - Relation to other known work and/or presentations if known
        - Time Requested

It would be helpful if the abstract was written such that potential
attenders will learn what to expect from the presentation, i.e.

"The presentation will describe our experiences with the
Red Packet Washer (http://www.netdet.net/RPW/).  We have been using the
device for half a year now.  It helps us deliver more hygienic datagrams
to our customers and peers.  We will discuss problems with packet   
discolouring as well as increased throughput to our upstreams due to
decreased clogging by dirty micrograms.  We will compare performance
with the hand-scrubbing of packets which we used previously.  Currently
we are optimising device management and getting bugs resolved.  We will
strive to include the latest experiences in our report."

is much better than

"The presentation will describe the Red Packet Washer made by
Network Detergents."

More information about the meeting can be found at

Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by
e-mail at any time.  During July and August my response time may be
slightly longer than usual due to the holiday period. 



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