Greetings - We've added a few new talks for LA, marked with ***. Abstracts are at

SUNDAY ACTIVITIES -----------------

   - All-day Tutorial (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
       Getting Started with IPv6
       Level: Introductory
       Jordi Palet, Consulintel

   - Afternoon Tutorials
      - Best Practices for Determining the Traffic Matrix in IP Networks
          Level: Intermediate
          Thomas Telkamp, Cariden

      - Scaling Considerations in MPLS Networks
          Level: Intermediate/Advanced
          Ina Minei, Juniper

      - BGP Multihoming Techniques
          Level: Introductory/Intermediate
          Philip Smith, Cisco

** Steering Committee Community Meeting, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

** Welcome Reception! Details to follow, 7:30 - ?


*** - NetFlow-based Traffic Analysis Techniques for Peering Networks
        Richard Steenbergen, nLayer Communications, and Nathan Patrick,

*** - Route/Flow Fusion--Making Traffic Measurement Useful
        Van Jacobson, Haobo Yu, and Bruce Mah, Packet Design

*** - Infrastructure Security Survey Overview
        Craig Labovitz and Danny McPherson, Arbor

*** - IPv6 Deployment Issues: A Tier 1 Perspective
        Stewart Bamford, Level3

    - Near-term Futures for the Industry
        Geoff Huston, APNIC

    - AS Consumption Patterns
        Geoff Huston, APNIC

    - ASNs MIA: A Comparision of RIR Statistics and RIS Reality
        Rene Wilhelm and Henk Uijterwaal, RIPE NCC

    - Stager: Web-Based Statistics Displays
        Arne Oslebo, Uninett

    - Shim6: Network Operator Concerns
        Jason Schiller, UUNET

    - BLINC: Multilevel Traffic Classification in the Dark
        Thomas Karagiannis, UC Riverside; Konstantina Papagiannaki, Intel
        Research; Michalis Faloutsos, UC Riverside

    - Should Internet Service Providers Fear Peer-Assisted Content?
        Thomas Karagiannis, UC Riverside; Pablo Rodriguez, Microsoft
        Research; Konstantina Papagiannaki, Intel Research

    - Mitigating Superfluous Multicast Data Traffic and Control State
        John Kristoff, Northwestern Univ.

    - Routers with Small Buffers
        Yashar Ganjali, Guido Appenzeller, Ashish Goel, Tim Roughgarden,
        and Nick McKeown, Stanford Univ.


*** - Geographic Locality of IP Prefixes
        Mike Freedman, NYU; Mythili Vutukuru, Nick Feamster, and Hari
        Balakrishnan, MIT

*** - Mining Anomalies in Network-Wide Flow Data
        Anukool Lakhina, Mark Crovella, and Christophe Diot,
        Thomson Paris Research Lab

    - Dynamic AS Renumbering.Research & Results on new BGP Mechanisms
        Sue Hares, NextHop, and Patrick Bose, Lockheed-Martin


    - Getting to Know ARIN (1:00-1:30 p.m.)
        Ray Plzak, ARIN


    - IAB IPv6 Multi-Homing BOF
        Dave Meyer, Cisco, moderator

    - BGP Data Analysis BOF
        Mohit Lad, Lixia Zhang, and Yiguo Wu, UCLA
        Nick Feamster, MIT; Dan Massey, Colorado State University;
        Manish Karir, Merit

    - ISP Security and NSP-SEC BOF X
        Danny McPherson, Arbor, moderator

    - Peering BOF X
        William B. Norton, Equinix, moderator

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