Hail NANOGers!

If you operate an IX in North America, this message is for you.

(I'm passing it along on behalf of my former colleagues at the Internet

Hope to "see" you on the webinar this Tuesday!


The MANRS IXP Partnership program is designed to invite and encourage
participation of IXPs in MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing
Security). In accordance with the principles of the initiative, the
membership depends on the visible commitment to improve the routing
security of the peering fabric and Internet infrastructure in general and
demonstrated by the implementation of defined Actions.

The Internet Society is looking for leading IXPs around the world that have
a track record in contributing to routing security, already implement the
majority of Actions and are willing to participate in the launch of this
program, planned in early 2018. The set of Actions was developed by the
development team consisting of IXP representatives around the world. It has
been reviewed in by various IXP communities, such as EURO-IX, LAC-IX, Af-IX.

Iā€™d like to invite you to participate in a webinar on March 13 at 14:00 EDT
(18:00 UTC) where we present the IXP Partnership Program and the Actions to
the North-American IXP community and invite your feedback. Call details are
below. We would also ask you to disseminate the information about the
webinar to the NA IX community.

MANRS (https://www.manrs.org) is a collaborative initiative, coordinated by
the Internet Society. It was launched in November 2014 and has received
much encouragement from all sections of the Internet industry. The key
objective of MANRS is to gain industry-wide agreement on a minimum set of
practices for secure routing across the Internet, through coordinated
action by many parties.

MANRS was designed for network operators, but other parties can play an
important role in facilitating improvements in routing security such as
Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). Many of them represent active communities
with common operational objectives and already contribute to a more
resilient and secure Internet infrastructure.


Mark Buell
Regional Bureau Director, North America
Internet Society

Topic: MANRS and IXPs
Time: Mar 13, 2018 7:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

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