Re: Multicom Hijacks: Do you peer with these turkeys (AS35916)?

2017-08-03 Thread Yang Yu
Also AS57166 (single upstream AS29632 NetAssist) is likely hijacking
10 ASNs, and AS43659 (currently inactive). Both with mnt-by:

DATASTAR-MNT created 14 autnum and 31 route dummy objects in RIPE, on
resources that looks abandoned (2 of them confirmed hijacking);mnt-domains;mnt-irt;mnt-lower;mnt-nfy;mnt-ref;mnt-routes&bflag=true&source=RIPE#resultsAnchor

Someone actually mentioned these back in Oct

Re: Multicom Hijacks: Do you peer with these turkeys (AS35916)?

2017-08-03 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 02:52:43AM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> And of course, Mr. Stanciu's snowshoe spamming domains would not be
> maximally productive unless they each had SPF TXT records attached [...]

FYI, 85 of the 101 domains listed here are have been picked up by various
spammer domain detection methods in place here.  I have no doubt that
the other 16 either will be in due course or simply reflect an inadequacy
in my methods.


Re: Multicom Hijacks: Do you peer with these turkeys (AS35916)?

2017-08-03 Thread Jima
A few years back, Ronald named-and-shamed my work's new carrier for 
facilitating a prefix hijacker on this very list. As luck would have it, 
I had a fresh, crisp business card from our sales rep, so I passed the 
(quite legitimate) grievance along, and a short time later, the hijacked 
prefixes had one less upstream.

Years later now, I have a different job, and a circuit with AS209. I'll 
see if I can't scare someone up (if it's still active by the time I get 
into the office).

Thanks Ronald. Rest assured that many of us remember. :-)


On 2017-08-03 05:21, Ken Chase wrote:

RIPE or one of dem dere responsible RIRs should hire him.

I got a sales call in a few weeks with NTT, let's see if Job is successful
and then I can be duly impressed and even more interested in their products.

This shit actually matters, sometimes.

Re: Multicom Hijacks: Do you peer with these turkeys (AS35916)?

2017-08-03 Thread Ken Chase
RIPE or one of dem dere responsible RIRs should hire him. 

I got a sales call in a few weeks with NTT, let's see if Job is successful
and then I can be duly impressed and even more interested in their products.

This shit actually matters, sometimes.


On Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 12:23:51PM +0200, Job Snijders said:
  >Dear Ronald,
  >Thanks for your report, we'll investigate.
  >Kind regards,

Ken Chase - Guelph Canada

Re: Multicom Hijacks: Do you peer with these turkeys (AS35916)?

2017-08-03 Thread Job Snijders
Dear Ronald,

Thanks for your report, we'll investigate.

Kind regards,


Multicom Hijacks: Do you peer with these turkeys (AS35916)?

2017-08-03 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette

Well, it took less than a day for my last missive here to get the
hijacks associated with AS202746 (Nexus Webhosting) taken down.
I guess that somebody must have smacked Telia upside the head with
a clue-by-four at long last.

So, with that out of the way, let's see what else I can accomplish
this week.

As I understand it, the theory is that the thing that keeps the
entire Internet from descending into the final stages of a totally
broken "tragedy of the commons" is peer pressure.  As everyone knows,
there is no "Internet Police", so the whole system relies on the
ability and willingness of networks to de-peer from other networks
when those other networks are demonstratably behaving badly.

Let's find out if that actually works, in practice, shall we?

According to, the top three peers of AS35916 (Multacom)
are as follows:

AS2914  NTT America, Inc.
AS3223  Voxility S.R.L.
AS209   Qwest Communications Company, LLC

I'd like help from any and all subscribers to this mailing list who
might have contacts in these companies.  I'd like you to call their
attention to Multacom's routing of the following block specifically:

This is a long-abandoned Afrinic block belonging to a semi-defunct
company called "Agrihold".  In fact, this block was a part of the
massive number of hijacked legacy Afrinic /16 blocks that I pointed
out, right here on this maling list, way back last November:

After that posting, whoever was responsible for all those blatant
hijackings got cold feet, apparently, and stopped passing all of those
bogus route announcements out through their pals at AS260, Xconnect24 Inc.

And so, for a brief time at least, the wanton pillaging of legacy Afrinic
/16 blocks, and the reselling of those stolen blocks to various snowshoe
spammers stopped... for awhile.

But it appears that on or about January 6th of this year, Mulutacom
lept into the breach and re-hijacked both the block
and also the additional Afrinic legacy block,  (They
apparently stopped routing this latter block some time ago, for reasons
unknown.  But that fact that Multacom was indeed routing this second
purloined legacy Afrinic /16 block also is in the historical records
now, and cannot be denied.  Multicom's routing of both blocks began
around January 6th or so of this year, 2017.)

Just as a courtesy, I sent the block absconders at Multacom a short email,
earlier today, asking them if they had an LOA which demonstrates that
they have rights/permission to be routing the block.  Of
course, the mystery person (noc@) who emailed me back claimed that they
did, but unfortunately, he was not under oath at the time.  I asked
if he could show me a copy of this purported LOA, and I haven't heard
back from anybody at Mulatcom ever since.

I don't really think there is any big mystery here, nor do I think
that Multacom has or had, at any time, any rights to be routing these
two legacy Afrinic /16 blocks.  But they have done so, and continue
to do so, in the case of the block at least, quite
obviously because -somebody- is paying them to do it, even in the total
absence of a legitimate LOA.

And as it turns out, it is quite easy to figure out who Multacom has
been routing these two hijacked legacy Afrinic /16 blocks both for and

It's trivially easy to run a traceroute to any arbitrary IP address
within the block.  No matter which one you pick, the
traceroute always passes through a particular IP address,,
before the remainder of the traceroute gets deliberately blocked.

That IP address is registered *not* to some long lost African concern, but
rather to a Romanian networking company called Architecture Iq Data S.R.L.

That company itself is apparently owned by a fellow by the name of
Alexandru ("Andrei") Stanciu who hails from the city of Suceava, Romania.
(Note that this is apparently *not* the same Alexandru Stanciu who the FBI
arrested on bank and wire fraud charges in 2014.  That one apparently hailed
from Bucharest.)

Anyway, "networking" seems to be only one of our Mr. Stanciu's many and
varied business interest.  His networking company, Architecture Iq Data
S.R.L. has a web site ( but it is "shallow" to
say the least.  Many, and perhaps evenmost of the links on the home page
of that company's web site seem to lead nowhere.

In cotrast, Mr. Stanciu has the following other well-developed web sites
and companies:

Promoart S.R.L.
Advertising Distribution Supplies S.R.L.

Mostly, he seems to be in the advertising business, as evidenced by the
above web sites, and also by his membership in the "Email Marketing Gurus"
special interest group over on LinkedIn:

Given Mr. Stanciu'

Re: Contact at Orange?

2017-08-03 Thread LHC (k9m)
Wrong currency zone

On August 3, 2017 12:19:07 AM PDT, Dan Hollis  wrote:
>On Thu, 3 Aug 2017, Benoit Panizzon wrote:
>> Apparently this was not their problem.
>As long as the money's green?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: Contact at Orange?

2017-08-03 Thread Dan Hollis

On Thu, 3 Aug 2017, Benoit Panizzon wrote:

Apparently this was not their problem.

As long as the money's green?


Re: Contact at Orange?

2017-08-03 Thread Benoit Panizzon

In 2013/2014 we also had to deal with a massive spam spike from
Our stats showed that the spam to ham ratio was at about 95% or higher
from their 'mailserver' IP Range.

After sending several emails to their different abuse and postmaster
email addresses and trying to escalate the problem via (now
salt), as a last resort we blacklisted their whole IP Range via SWINOG
Blacklist, which is used by many swiss ISP.

This finally resulted in getting in contact with us.
Apparently the do receive and look at emails at their normal abuse
contact address. But they never bother to reply, especially when they do
not feel responsible for the specific IP addresses, even if they are in
their range.

The problem at that time was, that they had leased a part of their IP
range to one of their branches in eastern europe and this branch had
somehow been massively abused by spamers. After they were able to tell
me which IP ranges belonged to their 'east europe' branch, we could
shrink the blocked range to those specific ip addresses and this was
also fine with their abuse desk, because they could clearly see the
problem and more or less confirmed their colleagues in eastern europe
apparently did not care so much about spam or being listed in anti-spam
blacklists. Apparently this was not their problem.

So, yes, try their abuse contact email address, write in french if
somehow possible, and make clear you need a reply. Hopefully this will

Kind regards

-BenoƮt Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G-Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 PrattelnFax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web