
Over on another email admin list, a discussion when a participant posted a spam 
sample, and was told "this isn't the place to post spam samples", led to our 
forming a private, confidential group where people *can* share spam samples, 
and discuss related matters.

So, we have created that list, which we are calling the Trusted Reporters list.

TR is *not* a list for reporting spam *to abuse desks*. It is *not* intended as 
a list where one could say "so and so is spamming me from $ISP" and someone 
from $ISP would look into it (although of course if they are on the list, I 
suppose that they could).

TR is *not* a public list where one can publicly post spam.  It is, again, a 
private, confidential list of trusted reporters, for the purpose of discussing 
spam seen in the wild, ways of dealing with it, and related issues.  For 
example, I have routinely been receiving spam from, among others, Ezoic and  I *do* report them, but given that the are sending through 
places like Google and Amazon AWS  it's been useful in this endeavor that at 
least one colleague has also taken an interest in it.

TR *is* a list for those who are interested in learning about the sources of 
spam when they trust the person who is reporting that information.  They can do 
with that information what they will.

TR is a confidential, private list for email *receivers* and *hosts*, and 
others in the anti-abuse industries.  So ISPs, ESPs, spam filters, blacklists, 

TR is *not* a list for primary senders.

So, if you want to be part of this private, confidential list to report and 
discuss spam, and related matters, send a note to:

with 'subscribe' in the subject line.

Please include in your subscribe request your name, a bit about yourself and 
your role in email anti-abuse (this is a list for email receivers and others on 
the email receiver side of the industry (as compared to primarily email 
senders)), and that you are from NANOG.


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
Legislative Consultant
CEO/President, Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cyber Committee
Member, Board of Directors, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Member, Board of 
Directors, Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

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