Am I correct in noticing that as of "__11_day of May 2010" the requirement 
of written application and paid membership dues has been instantiated for 

I advocate that the previous attendance requirements for voting continue 
to be sufficient for membership (and voting rights) and that anyone 
presently qualified to vote under such terms be permitted to continue to 
qualify that way for $some_lengthy_period, if they wish. A sufficient 
rationale for me would be that to do otherwise would impose a monetary 
penalty, however modest, on those who attend meetings.

Will the upcoming NANOG Community Meeting constitute a proper venue to 
vote on such an amendment to the bylaws? Or would the existing Board of 
Directors be so kind as to vote by a 2/3rds majority to do the same? :)

I volunteer to serve on the Bylaws Committee.

John Springer

Nanog-futures mailing list

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