Title: performance issue in resource generation - for VB projects

I think I have discovered a performance issue with resource generation on large builds it is VB specific.

Long story short: For each resource file in a project, the entire reference structure of your project is traversed and every referenced project is traversed, repeat recursively.

Basically: The Resource class, in the CompileResx method, creates a ResGenTask then iterates through each reference and adds dependent assemblies to the ResGenTask:

Resource.cs (line 357)

foreach (ReferenceBase reference in Project.References) {

    StringCollection assemblyReferences = reference.GetAssemblyReferences(


    foreach (string assemblyFile in assemblyReferences) {




ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences() calls  ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences() but only for VB projects:

ProjectReferenceBase.cs (line 146)

// check if parent is a VB.NET project

if (typeof(VBProject).IsAssignableFrom(Parent.GetType())) {

    assemblyReferences = Project.GetAssemblyReferences(solutionConfiguration);

} else {

    assemblyReferences = new StringCollection();


ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences() loops through each reference and calls ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences()

ProjectBase.cs (line 335)

foreach (ReferenceBase reference in References) {

    StringCollection references = reference.GetAssemblyReferences(solutionConfiguration);


Here is a sample stack trace:

>       nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 158 + 0x8 bytes  C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.Resource.CompileResx(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 358 + 0xb bytes        C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.Resource.Compile(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 113 + 0xa bytes    C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.WriteCompilerOptions(System.IO.StreamWriter sw = {System.IO.StreamWriter}, string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 559 + 0xe bytes       C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.Build(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 320 + 0x11 bytes   C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Compile(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 314 + 0x9 bytes C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.Compile(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 215 + 0x38 bytes       C#

        nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExecuteTask() Line 409 + 0x1a bytes   C#

        nant.core.dll!NAnt.Core.Task.Execute() Line 169 + 0x8 bytes     C#

        nant.core.dll!NAnt.Core.Target.Execute() Line 247 + 0xa bytes   C#

        nant.core.dll!NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(string targetName = "minor", bool forceDependencies = false) Line 889   C#

        nant.core.dll!NAnt.Core.Project.Execute() Line 837 + 0x39 bytes C#

        nant.core.dll!NAnt.Core.Project.Run() Line 927  C#

        nant.core.dll!NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.Main(string[] args = {Length=0}) Line 167 + 0xb bytes     C#

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The St. Paul Travelers e-mail system made this annotation on 07/20/2005, 01:48:06 PM.

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