Hi Adrian.

> When I attempt to perform a build operation on my 
> folder I get this error. In response to the request 
> in the error, I am sending this to you. 

Well, you've provided next to no information that we here on the list
can use to diagnose your problem, so it's kinda difficult to help.

However, based only on reading the stack trace you posted:

> at NSvn.Core.Client.Status(Int32& youngest, String path, Revision
revision, StatusCallback statusCallback, Boolean descend, Boolean
getAll, Boolean update, Boolean noIgnore)

> at NAnt.Svn.Tasks.RemoveUnversioned.ExecuteTask()

> at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()

> at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()

It seems to me that something is going wrong with one of your subversion
tasks - specifically that the action that is being performed is not

Try doing the same operation by hand from the commandline to see if svn
gives you better diagnostics when not wrapped by NAnt.

My pic is either you don't have permissions for some parts of your own
repository, or you don't have write/delete permission to one of the
working folders.

Hope this helps,

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