Hi all!

While talking to John Lam earlier tonight, it occurred to me that something
like a FileSet, but that deals with properties would be very useful.
Something like a "PropertySet", if you will.

Basically, the idea would be to have nested elements, like filesets, that
defined properties/arguments for a given task. A natural example of it would
be the Preprocessor Definitions used by many compiler-related tasks. For
example, one could do:

   <include name="DEBUG"/>
   <include name="VERSION" value="1.0.322"/>

And so on ( the element names are just ideas.. something better than
"include" would be much nicer).

Another use would be replacing the "arg" element some task use that seems to
be hacked each time for each one of them.
The idea would be not to have to reimplement it each time something like
this is needed, but instead to have something the NAnt runtime handles for
you, just like FileSets are.

What do you guys think?
Tomas Restrepo

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