Hi Guys,

OK, so I went ahead with what I mentioned earlier, and all the initial
refactoring is now done.

As of now, running NUnit Tests in a separate appdomain works!
What's even cooler, I was able to add what I actually needed: If you specify
fork="true" for a <test> element, you can now also specify an "appconfig"
attribute to the test element that points to an Application Configuration
File (otherwise known as app.config). When you do this, NAnt will ensure
that the AppDomain that gets created loads that configuration file, which
allows your test code to use ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[] and get the
values out of the .config file you specified!

I still want to do some refactoring to clean up the NUnit code, as parts of
it are no longer making much sense... I particularly want to clean up how
the formatters are getting created and put up.

Tomas Restrepo

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