I'm new to this list, so am not sure if this question has been posted
frequently or recently.


I'm often frustrated when I need to create an if-else-endif construct in
a Nant script.  For example:


      <target name="unitTest" description="runs nunit tests on the
project">                                   e
            <if test="${target::exists('unitTestCustom')}" >
                  <echo message="Calling custom NUnit target ..." />
                  <call target="unitTestCustom" />
            <if test="${not target::exists('unitTestCustom')}" >

                  <echo message="Standard NUnit processing ..." />


Seems really messy to me.  The test is executed multiple times and is
prone to mistakes if the conditional is not corrected in both places.


In the case of a test that validates a potential failure, I've used:


      <target name="unitTest" description="runs nunit tests on the
project">                                   e
            <if test="${target::exists('dontDoThis')}" >
                  <echo message="Not something I want to do ..." />
                  <fail message="Bad target - exiting ..." />

            <echo message="Standard NUnit processing..." />


Any ideas on a better way to create if-else-endif conditional blocks?





Gomez, Inc.



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