And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

To Whom it May concern at FAIR-L,
There is a glaring gap in your coverage of the NY Times coverage of US
policy, that gap is filled with the victims of the US and Canadian
expansionism upon this North American continent, filled by the people of
the First Nations.  Our graves are robbed in the name of science, lands
polluted by uranium tailings and nuclear waste dumps, our religion mocked
with every sports team that bears the name of our people, contracts
(treaties) with every First Nation termed as "welfare payments" not debt,
and the truth ignored within history texts, the murderers of our people
honored by monument and legal tender.  The Presidential Commission on Race
relations didn't even include an Indian on the panel.  Talk about the
invisible people.
Your expose below leaves us just as invisible..
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 7:19 PM

                    Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
               Media analysis, critiques and news reports

 Between Glowing Portrait of Western Idealism and Reality of U.S.

 June 17, 1999

 In the June 13 New York Times "Week in Review," Michael Wines
 cautioned that despite America's "victory over Communism and
 inhumanity" in Kosovo, all is not well in the world. Americans often
 perceive their morals as universal, Wines says, but in fact there is
 "a yawning gap between the West and much of the world on the value of
 a single human life."

 According to Wines, the war in Yugoslavia "only underscored the deep
 ideological divide between an idealistic New World bent on ending
 inhumanity and an Old World equally fatalistic about unending

 Amongst the "anti-West club" of Syria, Libya, Iraq, China and India,
 Russians stand out "by temperament, history and current attitudes" as
 a particularly amoral people, says Wines. As evidence of this, Wines
 cites the anti-Jewish pogroms of the early 1900s, the Soviet policy of
 ethnic gerrymandering and forced migration, and the large-scale ethnic
 conflicts that spread through the Soviet Union as it collapsed.

 Yet Wines ignores examples from U.S. history that would have
 questioned the U.S.'s commitment to "ending brutality" and the actual
 "value of a single human life" for U.S. policymakers.

 Earlier this year, the New York Times ran several stories and
 editorials on the release of a report by the Guatemalan Historical
 Clarification Commission, a report that, in the words of a front-page
 Times story (2/26/99):

 "concluded that the United States gave money and training to a
 Guatemalan military that committed 'acts of genocide' against the
 Mayans during the most brutal armed conflict in Central America,
 Guatemala's 36-year civil war.... The panel also found evidence that
 the United States had knowledge of genocide and still supported the
 Guatemalan military."

 There is ample evidence to suggest that the U.S. is selective in its
 objection to governments that orchestrate violence against internal
 minorities. In 1992, at the height of Turkey's repression of its
 Kurdish minority, a State Department spokesperson summarized U.S.
 policy (National Journal, 4/15/95):

 "There is no question of halting U.S. military assistance to Turkey.
 The U.S. sees nothing objectionable in a friendly or allied country
 using American weapons to secure internal order or to repel an attack
 against its territorial unity."

 Wines could have calculated the value the U.S. places on "a single
 human life" by examining the U.S.'s policy of imposing sanctions on
 Iraq. While malnutrition was almost unknown in Iraq before the Gulf
 War, "from 1991 to 1998, children under 5 were dying from
 malnutrition-related diseases in numbers ranging from a conservative
 2,690 per month to a more realistic 5,357 per month," according to
 U.N. figures (Seattle Post Intelligencer, 5/11/99). When 60 Minutes
 (5/12/96) asked Secretary of State Madeline Albright whether sanctions
 that left half a million Iraqi children dead were "worth it," Albright
 replied, "I think this is a very hard choice. But the price--we think
 the price is worth it."

 A graphic demonstration of the Western attitude toward human life came
 in the closing days of the war in Yugoslavia--after Belgrade had
 already agreed to withdraw its forces from Kosovo, and all that
 remained to be worked out were the technical details of an
 international occupation--when the U.S. carpet-bombed two battalions
 of Yugoslavian soldiers gathered in an open field near the Albanian
 border, who were skirmishing with KLA fighters. News reports indicated
 that the number of soldiers killed as a result in this meaningless
 battle was in the hundreds (AP, 6/9/99).

 ( You can read the Week in Review article in its entirety at: )

ACTION: Please write to the New York Times and let it know that its
readers deserve better than simplistic, self-congratulatory analysis.
Encourage the Times to provide more thorough and accurate analysis of
the U.S.'s role in ethnic conflicts around the world.

 New York Times
 229 W. 43rd St., New York, NY 10036
 Phone: 212-556-1748
 Fax: 212-556-3738

 Additional contacts:

--Michael Wines

--Jonathan Landman
 Editor, Week in Review


Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to
everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
documented example of media bias or censorship. All messages to the
'FAIR-L' list will be forwarded to the editor of the list.

Also, please send copies of email correspondence, including any
responses, to us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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