And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

         I think this kind of article is highly irresponsible.  No where in
the article does it say where this "research" was done and by whom it was
done.  There is indication of why it was done and who paid for the study.
This information is essential so that the "information" can be seen in a
proper scientific perspective.

        This Bison/brucellosis issue is highly charged and what is NOT
needed is sloppy reporting of vague information, imo.


Study shows bison can give cattle brucellosis

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK (AP) - Livestock research from up to 30 years ago
suggests that cattle in the greater Yellowstone area have caught
brucellosis from bison and elk and not from other cattle.
------end of excerpt------

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