And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        I am glad that this is getting more press coverage.  This disease
has been seen in wildlife for some time.  Please, all who are interested in
the Bison situation, take some time to read the article, there are a number
of excerpts below.

        As most know a disease similar to CWD, "mad cow disease" is fatal
to humans.  Both of these diseases cause a condition known as BSE (Bovine
Spongiform Encyphalophathy)

        MDOL, up to this point, seems unconcerned about this threat to
cattle and humans while it slaughters Bison.  There is no proof that the
Bison being slaughtered are able to communicate ANY disease.

        Brucellosis can and does infect cattle, but it is neither a fatal
disease for cattle or humans.  BSE, on the other hand is fatal to both
animals and humans.

        I would be interested to know why, knowing the risks of CWD, MDOL
appears not nearly as concerned as it is with brucellosis.


Proposed wasting disease rules draw fire from wildlife groups

HELENA, Mont. (AP) - Proposed rules to prevent the spread of an alarming
disease among game-farm animals are being strongly supported by the
industry, but questioned by conservation groups.

The rules are designed to prevent the spread of so-called chronic wasting
desease, which strikes elk and some species of deer. It causes brain damage
that affects motor coordination and the ability to maintain proper

Researchers say it is similar to the "mad cow disease" that has appeared in
European cattle herds and which, in turn, has been linked by some
scientists to the fatal human brain ailment, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.

The disease has been found in wild elk and deer in Colorado and Wyoming as
well as in game farm animals in South Dakota.

"DOL practices a scorched-earth policy to protect cattle from brucellosis.
I'm amazed they're reluctant to take consistent steps to protect wildlife
from CWD," Jewett said. "DOL is completely protective of agriculture and
shows complete disdain for the state's wild animals."
----end of excerpts-----

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