And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 17:27:38 -0800 (PST)
>From: Jackie Cabasso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, December 14, 1998            P.1 of 2
>CONTACT: Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation (510) 839-5877
>                 Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs (925) 443-7148
>WASHINGTON, DC/SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- To settle a lawsuit brought by 39 
>environmental and peace organizations including the Oakland-based Western 
>States Legal Foundation and Livermore's Tri-Valley Communities Against a 
>Radioactive Environment (CAREs), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has 
>signed a landmark agreement which will increase public oversight of its 
>efforts to address severe contamination problems in the nation's nuclear 
>weapons complex. 
>The settlement, which was delivered to Federal District Court Judge Stanley 
>Sporkin today, ends nine years of litigation charging that DOE failed to 
>develop its "cleanup" plans properly. DOE faced a contempt of court hearing 
>before Judge Sporkin for not complying with a previous legal agreement in 
>the case.  
>"From the perspective of protecting the nation's water, air and land, this 
>settlement is superior to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement 
>DOE originally agreed to prepare," said David Adelman, a Natural Resources 
>Defense Council lawyer who represented the plaintiffs. "We now have the 
>data, the resources and the processes necessary to make DOE's environmental 
>work more accountable to the public." The Washington, D.C. law firm of Meyer 
>& Glitzenstein provided pro bono litigation counsel. 
>Key elements of the settlement include:
>       Creation of a regularly updated, publicly accessible database including 
>details about contaminated facilities and waste generated or controlled by 
>DOE's cleanup, defense, science and nuclear energy programs, including 
>domestic and foreign research reactor spent fuel, listing characteristics 
>such as waste type, volume, and radioactivity, as well as transfer and 
>disposition plans;
>       DOE funding for at least two national stakeholder forums to assure the 
>database is comprehensive, accurate and useful;
>       Completion of an environmental analysis, with public input, of plans for 
>"long-term stewardship" at contaminated DOE sites to ensure protection of 
>the public and the environment;   
>                                                                       More . . .
>. . . Continued, P. 2 of 2
>       Establishment of a $6.25 million fund for non-profit groups and tribes to 
>use in monitoring DOE environmental activities and conducting technical 
>reviews of the agency's performance;
>       Payment of plaintiffs'legal fees and expenses incurred to litigate this 
>case; and

>       Continuing federal court oversight to assure adherence to the agreement.
>       "I'm really excited! This is a major victory both for the environment and 
>for public
>participation," said Marylia Kelley, of Tri-Valley CAREs in Livermore, 
>California, one of 39 plaintiff groups." We have won access to the tools the 
>public needs to monitor DOE's compliance with the nation's obligation to 
>address the radioactive and toxic legacy of nuclear weapons production."  
>DOE's "cleanup" program is slated to become the largest environmental 
>project in U.S. history, with an estimated total cost of more than $250 
>       "Since the mid-1980's we've been asking for a breakdown of DOE-generated 
>waste by program and facility," added Jackie Cabasso of Oakland's Western 
>States Legal Foundation, a plaintiff and communications coordinator for the 
>lawsuit. "DOE is currently gearing up its nuclear weapons research and 
>development activities -- the same kinds of activities that created this 
>environmental disaster. Now, for the first time, using DOE's own data, we'll 
>be able to demonstrate the link between cause and 
>effect, a powerful argument against any further nuclear weapons design and 
>       Many of the groups first sued DOE in 1989, claiming that the agency must 
>conduct a thorough analyses before moving ahead with plans to address the 
>radioactive and toxic legacy of nuclear weapons production and modernize its 
>facilities. The next year, DOE signed a legal agreement promising a full 
>public review of its proposals. In 1994, however, DOE leaders decided to 
>abandon the Environmental Restoration Programmatic Environmental Impact 
>Statement process without consent of the plaintiffs or Federal Court Judge 
>Sporkin, who had approved the initial settlement. In April, 1997, plaintiffs 
>went back to Judge Sporkin seeking enforcement of the original agreement. 
>       In a series of court hearings, Judge Sporkin made it clear that he expected 
>DOE to abide by its commitments. Earlier this year, he ordered DOE to "show 
>cause" why it should not be held in contempt for failing to conduct the 
>environmental analysis. In depositions taken by the plaintiffs, former 
>Energy Secretary James Watkins and other former senior DOE officials 
>strongly backed plaintiffs claims. The discussions which led to today's 
>settlement were conducted at Judge Sporkin's urging. 
>- - 3 0 - -
>Note:  Representatives from Western States Legal Foundation, Tri-Valley 
>CAREs and other northern California plaintiff groups will hold a news 
>conference today, Mon. Dec. 14, at 12 noon at the San Francisco offices of 
>the Natural Resources Defense Council, 71 Stevenson, Suite 1825  (near 
>Montgomery Street BART at 2nd Street, south of Market Street in San 
>Francisco).  Representatives from attorney of record NRDC will be available 
>by speaker-phone from Washington, DC.
>* * * Copies of the settlement agreement are available on request. * * *
>The Atomic Mirror, CA
>Bay Area Nuclear (BAN) Waste Coalition, CA
>Citizen Alert, NV

>Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping, NM
>Citizens Opposed to a Polluted Environment, CA
>Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, NM
>East Bay Peace Action, CA
>Energy Research Foundation, SC
>Friends of the Earth, Washington, DC
>Greenpeace, Washington, DC
>Hayward Area Peace and Justice Fellowship, CA
>Lane County American Peace Test, OR
>Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, NY
>Livermore Conversion Project, CA
>Los Alamos Study Group, NM
>Nashville Peace Action, TN
>Natural Resources Defense Council,Washington, DC
>Neighbors in Need, OH
>Nevada Desert Experience, NV
>Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, CA
>Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, TN
>Peace Action, Washington, DC
>Peace Farm of Texas
>Physicians for Social Responsibility, Washington, DC
>Physicians for Social Responsibility - Greater SF Bay Area, CA
>Physicians for Social Responsibility, CO
>Physicians for Social Responsibility, NM
>Physicians for Social Responsibility, NY
>Plutonium Free Future, CA
>Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, CO
>San Jose Peace Center, CA
>Seattle Women Act for Peace/Women Strike for Peace
>Shundahai Network, NV
>Sonoma County Center for Peace and Justice, CA
>Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, CA
>Western States Legal Foundation, CA
>Women Concerned/Utahns United
>Women for Peace - East Bay, CA
>Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - East Bay Branch, CA
>   ********************************************
>           1440 Broadway, Suite 500
>             Oakland, CA USA 94612
>              Tel: (510)839-5877
>              Fax: (510)839-5397
>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   ********** Part of ABOLITION 2000 **********
>   Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons 
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment
Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
Unenh onhwa' Awayaton       
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