And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (White Feather) 
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 22:27:32 -0800 (PST) 
Subject: Re: Demonstration in San Francisco for Leonard Peltier 

Greetings Friends, 

The gathering at the UN Plaza in San Francisco was a very moving one as 
they always seem to be there. This one was exceptional however. 

Ofcourse many police were there which was to be expected. The energy and 
the love for Leonard was predominate. The speaches were wonderful and 
when Bobby Castillo spoke it was very powerful! We must never stop our 

The attendence was large it was hard to say jusy how many were there as 
so many seemed to come and go. I would guess well over 150. 

The drumming was an inspiriation and you could feel the Earth move. It 
was Beautiful even in the pouring rain. The rain was good as it gave us 
strenght as it washed our Earth. I have much hope and know that all of 
us who are doing everything we can will succeed in seeing that our 
Brother Leonard will be taken to the Mayo Clinic for his medical 
treatment. We will not accept anything less. We will not stop fighting 
until he is treated medically and then we will continue to fight for his 

I would like to add that I have found very little on the news in our 
country about all that we have been doing but other countries are 
carrying it much more. However this really does not suprise me as this 
government knows how very wrong they are! 

Wishing you all much Peace and Love, 
In Solidarity 

Toksa ake, 
White Feather 



          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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