And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 18:50:11 -0500
>From: Kahn-Tineta Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.02 [en] (Win95; I)
>To: Action Canada Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CASNP.  Kahnawake M. T.  30 Jan. 99.  The President of the Canadian
>Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples, Kahn-Tineta Horn, spoke
>on January 29th 1999 at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law "35th
>Annual Conference on Law and Contemporary Affairs.  No law conference is
>complete nowadays without a panel on Indigenous issues.  This one was on
>"Remedies in Aboriginal Rights Litigation".  The following is the text
>of Ms. Horn’s comments.  The Indigenous and many of the non- native law
>students reacted favourably, but many politely did not react.
>"If you are an indigenous person living on territory claimed by Canada,
>you might want to ask some questions about Draft Resolution No. 49/98
>passed by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) at its 19th Annual General
>Assembly in June 1998.  That resolution is about "Representation of all
>First Nations Peoples by the First Nations".  Sounds good, eh?
>So why is the AFN asking Ottawa to pass laws about OUR electoral
>rights?  Does the United States ask Canada’s Parliament to pass laws
>about how it’s people vote?  Does China?  NOW WAY!
>It’s up to each nation to make its own laws and choose its own
>representatives.  Ottawa has no say in how we govern ourselves … at
>least not according to international law.
>The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights says:  "All
>peoples have the right of self-determination.  By virtue of that right
>they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their
>economic, social and cultural development".
>Canada signed that covenant.  We First Nations haven’t had a chance to
>do that yet because Canada has been undermining our governments every
>since their colonial ancestors started claiming our land and
>possessions.  Canada holds us hostage because it owes us money for our
>lands and resources and it won’t pay us.  But they will pay the
>organizations they set up to ‘represent’ us.  This is outrageous!
>Do you know of any other Nation that is treated like this?  When anyone
>else sells land, does the buyer have a right to say, "Okay, I’m gonna
>pay you.  But first I’ll tell you what kind of ceremonies you have to go
>through to be married to your wife, who your children are, and who you
>can invite to stay at your house.  Then you have to show me all your
>account books.  If I approve of how you’re going to spend the money I
>owe you, well, then maybe I’ll pay you."  NO WAY!  But that’s exactly
>what Canada is doing to the First Nations.
>We should be asking some really hard questions about what Ottawa and
>their AFN are up to.  The AFN promotes Ottawa’s viewpoint instead of
>standing up for our inherent right to self-government.
>The AFN wants their "Chiefs-in-Assembly" to be able to REVIEW
>legislation about the way WE choose OUR governments before it is

>introduced in CANADA’S parliament!!!!  This is REALLY WEIRD!!!  Does any
>other nation or international organization kow-tow to Ottawa that way?
>No as far as I know!
>Does Canada have a right to send its proposals about us to their puppets
>for review?  Or do we want to send our own AMBASSADORS to Ottawa?
>Let’s look at what the AFN review proposal means:
>If Ottawa sends legislation to the AFN Chiefs-in-Assembly for review,
>who’s work do you think they’re reviewing?  Why the Department of Indian
>Affairs, of course!  Do you think any of those bureaucrats are going to
>stay up late at night thinking up ways to get rid of the Indian Act and
>do themselves out of their high paying civil service jobs?  Not on your
>Do other countries let Ottawa’s Department of External Affairs decided
>how they are going to govern themselves or choose their
>representatives?  Not a chance.  They choose their own forms of
>government and pick their own representatives in their own way.
>And do you think Ottawa would agree to anything their Chiefs-in Assembly
>propose which conflicts with their policies?  Of course not.  Does
>Ottawa invite the United States to send their draft legislation so
>Parliament can review it before the US passes laws affecting Canada?  No
>way.  Canada decides for itself what Canada’s laws are going to be.  So
>does the U.S.
>We are nations so we too have a right to choose AMBASSADORS to represent
>us.  We do not have to beg for a right to review a foreign government’s
>(Canada) attempt to make laws for a jurisdiction they do not legally
>have.  Think about it.
>We all agree that we want "Representation of First Nations Peoples by
>First Nations People".  What does this mean and how are we going to go
>about it?
>The first questions is WHO ARE THE FIRST NATIONS?
>Are we the band of people attached to reserves governed by Canada’s
>Indian Act?  Or are we the nations that were here before European
>settlers took our land and split up our territory and resources among
>Just because we are all Indigenous peoples doesn’t mean we all have the
>same ideas.  European peoples are not forced to belong to the same
>countries or organizations just because they’re of European ancestry.
>We shouldn’t have to be lumped together just because we have indigenous
>ancestry.  We all have in common that we are titleholders to North
>America and that we have true traditional indigenous governments.
>What we want is acknowledgment of our national identities, for our
>inherent right to political existence, jurisdiction over our territories
>and all aspects of our lives.  We all have different histories and the
>right to choose different futures and different forms of government …
>especially those of us who still exercise independent nationhood.
>Canada and the AFN do not recognize this.  The AFN is, after all, made
>up of a system of Chiefs set up under Canada’s Indian Act.  The AFN is
>playing right into Canada’s hands.  Instead of defending our true
>traditional governments, it is allowing Canada to force us into their

>confederation which wants jurisdiction over us and our land.  We never
>agreed to become part of their confederation of settler provinces.  The
>Six Nations were never conquered.  Canada should pay its debts to the
>true representatives chosen by our own internally chosen traditional
>government .. not to the Indian Act Band council that they imposed on us
>by force.
>The international community needs to know who our proper representatives
>are.  So we need to know who we are.
>The AFN says it represents all first nations people regardless of
>residence.  But does it really?  Who decided that the AFN represents all
>First Nations people anyway?  The people?  Or the individuals who set up
>the AFN?  Or Canada’s Indian Act which was imposed on us against our
>wishes?  Who decides who can vote in the elections of a First Nation?
>If the AFN recognizes voting rights under Canada’s Indian Act, it is
>betraying our inherent right to our true governments.  Like other
>nations, we have a right to decide for ourselves who our representatives
>The AFN’s top down decision-making is the same way Canada decided that
>all Indigenous nations north of the artificial Canada-United States
>border were Canadians.  The people themselves had no say in it.  How
>would they feel if the U.S. decided that all Canadians were U.S.
>Citizens?  I don’t think they would like it at all.
>The AFN models itself on Canada’s government set up under Imperial
>British authority.  This violates our international human rights.  Under
>international law just because a person is a member of a First Nation
>does not mean they can represent a First Nation.  The representatives of
>the First Nations must be properly chosen by our legitimate governments,
>not by the governments imposed on us by Canada.
>Each nation has to right to decide on its own form of government.  What
>kind of government does each First Nation have?  What kind does it want?
>The Mohawk Nation citizens have a true traditional government.
>The traditional government of the Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy is
>governed by the Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace, which is the
>constitution of our people.  We are a union of six independent nations:
>Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora.  Each nation is
>independent  .. or at least as much as we can manage in the face of all
>the interference from Canada, Quebec, Ontario, New York and the United
>States that we have to cope with.  Our Confederacy deals with
>jurisdiction over our territories, governing ourselves and issues like
>trading with Europeans and alliances with the settlers.  We have always
>defended our independence as nations and we have never become subjects
>of either Britain or Canada.
>Other First Nations deal with Canada in other ways.  It is their right
>to decide for themselves what to do, but that has nothing to do with our
>right to self-government under our traditional laws.
>If the AFN really wants to help the First Nations people reaffirm the
>true First Nations governments, they should stop being Canadian

>government paid civil servants who are helping a foreign government try
>to keep the First Nations people colonized".
>Order booklets on Indigenous issues for $20 a set from:
>Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with Native Peoples
>Box 991, Kahnawake Mohawk Territory (Quebec, Canada) J0L 1B0
>450-635-7402 Fax 450-635-2413 [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
>Check out the Website
> "An Introduction to the CASNP Movement";
> "Commentary:  Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - is it a
>diversion from the fact that true Aboriginal Nations’ governments
>supersede the colonial government of Canada?"
> "Who Represents Indigenous People in Ottawa Canada?"
> "Is the United Nations Facilitating the Extinction of Indigenous
> "Is Canada Under Corporate Occupation?"
> "Canada and U.S. to Hold Tricky NAFTA "First Nations" Summit in Calgary
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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