And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[Note: contents have not been verified...but seems urgent enough to be sending due to 
the history of this resistance...Ish]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 21:52:25 -0500
From: power4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This is the short version of everything that's going on because everything is totally 
insane right now and I can't spend too much time on here. COME TO MINNEHAHA IF YOU 

On Monday a tripod was set up in the middle of Interstate Highway 55 to protest its 
proposed reroute. People then moved existing construction barricades into the street 
to shut down the highway. The road was shut down for blocks all day and we had a big 
ol' street party. One woman locked down to a hauling truck and blocked the front gate 
of the construction site so they couldn't do any more work. 

Seven people were up in an old=growth cottonwood tree that we thought they were 
planning to take down that day. At about 5:00, 60 state trooper cars came in. They 
arrested 13 people on the ground and attempted to evict and cut the squatted tree. 
They broke out the cherry pickers and fire truck ladders and wound up cutting the 
branches that people were still in, almost killing the sitters. 

3 people from the tree were arrested, with one sent to the hospital. 4 people stayed 
up there. The police presence on the ground continued...they vowed to deprive the 
remaining sitters of all food and water, and they cut their lines so they can't get 
down safely. 

On Wednesday a group of college students opposed to the reroute took over the 
Minnesota Dept. of Transportation's offices. 12 people were arrested, and are still in 

The troopers and MN/DoT and the contractors, in a retaliation move, went and cut 
thirteen trees on the site where the occupied houses used to be. One person was 
arrested trying to get up a tree (she is also still in jail), bringing the total 
number of arrests to 13...the same number of trees they cut. 

Today, we get the rumor that they're going to bring in the National Guard, armed with 
rubber bullets, to evict our occupation on Saturday. We don't know if this rumor is 
true, but we know something is going to happen. State trooper helicopters have been 
encircling camp all week, and state troopers on foot have been seen in the woods, 
scouting trails and tree sits. 

All tree sits are now being staffed 24 hours a day. 2 people came down from the 
cottomwood sit today and are in jail...the remaining 2 say they're in it foir the long 
haul. The troopers are still on the ground in an effort to starve them out. 

Things are escalating fast. Shit's going down more and more. More updates later as I 
get to a computer...or I'll call some of you from jail if I get arrested for the 
second time this week. 


live simply 

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