And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        Unfortunately, imo, it seems that those business which exist ONLY
because of their proximity to YNP, think it is their right to control the
winter use.

        Even if the YNP bison had any money, they couldn't buy a break from
some of these folks in Montana and Wyoming...

        A quote from the commissioners of Park County:  "The question
essentially equates snowmobiles with a policy of killing bison,
commissioners said."

        Sometimes the truth is hard to take...


Commissioners plan survey of park's effects
Some people don't trust park to offer unbiased questions

Gazette Wyoming Bureau
CODY, Wyo. - Park County commissioners on Tuesday doubted that a planned
National Park Service survey of winter visitors to Yellowstone National
Park would clearly gauge how restricted winter use of the park would affect
neighboring communities and discussed launching a similar survey of their

Commissioners noted that counties surrounding the park have standing as
"cooperating agencies" in the development of an environmental impact
statement analyzing winter use in Yellowstone, which allows them to play a
direct role in compiling the document and supplying information for it.
They agreed they must be sure the EIS does not overlook the impacts
different winter management schemes for Yellowstone will have on nearby
---end of excerpt---

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