And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NAC topics for the rest of Sept

AIROS' electronic program guide for 9/20/99

Tune into Native America Calling LIVE on the Internet via RealAudio every
Mondy - Friday from 1-2pm ET

Native America Calling Website:

MON - 9/20: Smart Genes:
Scientists at Princeton University recently created a "super mouse" by
cleverly altering its DNA to make it smarter. They claim that DNA
engineering made the mouse learn faster and remember longer. If we can
improve learning and memory in mice, can we do the same for humans? Should
we use genetics to make ourselves, our kids, and even our parents smarter? 

TUE - 9/21: Nuclear-Free Pacific Rim:
For more than forty years, the Pacific Rim has been the most popular spot in
the world for industrialized nations to test their atmospheric and
underground nuclear weapons. The indigenous peoples of the region feel they
are getting close to the beginning of the end for nuclear testing and
nuclear weapons in general. We take you live to a nuclear-free conference on
the Polynesian Island of Tahiti.

WED - 9/22: Self-Determination in the South Pacific:
Control over the island communities of the South Pacific have been
essentially divided up between four countries; Britain, France, Germany and
the United States, all of whom impose their own form of imperialistic rule.
Will the chains ever be broken? Join us as we continue our coverage from Tahiti.

THU - 9/23: What's Better, Being Single or Married?:
Since talking about relationships always seems to be a hot topic on the
show, we resurrect the issue once again. This time, we ask whether the
bachelor life or the wedded life is better. Is everyone looking for the
rapture and bliss that matrimony has to offer? Or are they happy staying single?

FRI - 9/24: Hepatitis
Did you know that hundreds of thousands of Americans are infected with
hepatitis each year?  Did you know some strains of hepatitis can be
contracted by just touching a doorknob up to a week after the infected
person contaminates it?  If you would like to learn more about this disease
with possible fatal consequences, tune in to the next "Wellness Edition" of
Native America Calling as Sharon McConnell and her guests discuss Hepatitis.

MON - 9/27: The Condition of Native American Studies:
Many Native studies programs at campuses and universities are under attack.
Funding is being threatened and Native educators find themselves defending
and justifying their existence. Will they survive?

TUE - 9/28: TBA

WED - 9/29: Losing the Drug War:
America has poured billions of dollars into what some say is a losing war on
drugs. Should we continue to throw money at a drug program that has gone up
in smoke? What are the alternatives? Guests include New Mexico Governor Gary

THU - 9/30: Book-of-the-Month: "A Peoples Ecology":
Tewa author and University of New Mexico professor Greg Cajete of Santa
Clara Pueblo explores sustainable living from a Native perspective through a
collection of well-written modern essays.
Eric Martin
American Indian Radio On Satellite Director of Distribution

"Rock n' Roll is based on revolutions going way past 33 1/3."
         -- John Trudell, Baby Boom Che


Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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