Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:31:07 -0800
From: Barbara Landis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

           A WEEKLY LETTER
              -FROM THE-
  Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.
  VOL. XV. FRIDAY, December 8, 1899  NUMBER 7
   The heart of a child,
     Like the heart of a flower,
   Has a smile for the sun
     And a tear for the shower;
   Oh, innocent hours
     With wonder beguiled -
   Oh, heart like a flower's
    Is the heart of a child!

   The heart of a child,
     Like the heart of a bird,
   With raptures of music
     Is flooded and stirred;
   Oh, songs without words,
     Oh, melodies wild -
   Oh, heart like a bird's
     Is the heart of a child!

   The heart of a child,
     Like the heart of the spring,
   Is full of the hope
     Of what summer shall bring;
   Oh, glory of things
     In a world undefined-
   Oh, the heart like the spring's
     Is the heart of a child!
  -Arthur Austin-Jackson, in London Speaker.
   Some blanket Indians with their agent, were stopping at a hotel in
Washington, not very recently.
   The Indians were representative men, but for some reason or other it
was their first trip to the National Capital.  They belonged to a
conservative tribe who have been quietly attending to business at home
without having to send delgates to the Great Father as often as some
tribes seem to have to, hence these particular chiefs had never seen
much of the outside world and had never before eaten at a hotel.
   At dinner the menu was handed to the Indians, who, of course, not
being able to make out the name of various dishes, was obliged to rely
upon their interpreter.  Each chose what he wanted.
   The waiter then went to the window where orders are called off to the
   He then went back, walked very deliberately to where the glasses were
kept, selected one for each, wiped the glass, filled it with water and
set it by the plate of each Indian.
   Then he stood around apparently indifferent as to whether the Indians
had anything to eat or not.  Everybody was eating, but the Indians had
nothing.  Of course their dinner was in the process of cooking, but they
did not see any evidence of it.
   They began to be impatient.
   "Why don't we have something to eat?" one asked of the interpreter.
   "The white people are making fun of us.  We do not want to sit here
and starve while the white people fill themselves and laugh at us."
   "That fellow came and asked what we wanted to eat.  We told him.  He
went and talked into that window.  He gives us nothing."
   At this the dignified old chief arose, wrapped his blanket about him
and with compressed lips and head up stalked out of the room.  In a
moment the other befeathered and painted warriors followed, and they all
went down the street to a grocery store where they bought something to
eat and got it when they asked for it.
   This is a true story told the writer by the interpreter himself.
   It is total abstinence or death - at least with most Indians, says
Progress, that bright newsy little paper printed at the Regina
Industrial School, Canada, to the boys.
   If a boy tampers with the wine cup, he is lost.
   A bar-tender said, in the tone of an oracle:
   "Your educated Indian boys are only educated rascals.  I can't tell
them from ordinary customer."
   Shun the Bar Room, boys.  It's no place for you.
   To many it is the mouth of Hell.
(page 2)
                 --AT THE--
Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.,
           BY INDIAN BOYS.
boys, but EDITED by The man-on-the-band-stand
          who is NOT an Indian.
     P R I C E: --10  C E N T S  A  Y E A R
Entered in the PO at Carlisle as second
         class mail matter.
Address INDIAN HELPER, Carlisle, Pa.
                   Miss Marianna Burgess, Manager.
Do not hesitate to take the HELPER from the
Post Office for if you have not paid for it
some one else has.  It is paid for in advance.
   The school and the Indians in general have lost a good friend in the
death of Abram R. Vail, a Friend, well known to many of that Society in
Bucks County.  He was a resident of Quakertown, N.J., and has long been
a patron of the Carlisle Outing.
   The handsomest calendars we have seen this year are those issued by
the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, for which our genial
townsman John B. Bratton is the agent.  The Man-on-the-band-stand was
the recipient of one of these, and a number of the heads of departments
at the school received the same, for which all are indeed thankful.
   The Thanksgiving dinner at the Teachers' Club was a most Noble
effort.  Everything that goes to make up a turkey dinner and
Thanksgiving feast was served in the best of style, and the room was
decorated very tastefully.  The teachers and all who partook are
grateful to Miss Noble, Mrs. Rumsport and Mr. Kensler for the bountiful
repast, and happy occasion.
   The Swift entertainments on Friday and Satruday nights were very much
enjoyed.  All sorts of polliwogs and things were greatly magnified and
thrown upon the screen.  No one hereafter will want to have unclean
teeth in his or her mouth.  Boo!  Those microbes - little disease
breeding snakes that people carry in their mouths because they are too
careless to clean their teeth! Let us be CLEAN and keep healthy!
   Mr. Glen S. Waner, first in peace, first in war and first in the
hearts of his football team, has gone to his home in Springville, New
York.  Coach Warner has done wonders with our team, and not only as a
coach, built as a gentleman of high character has the respect and
admiration and love of the two teams, as well as of all who know him at
the school.  Mr. Warner is engaged for next year.  Mrs. Warner
accompanied her husband.  The social circles at our school will miss
these cheery young people, and will be glad to have them return to us
next fall.

   Superintendent Frank Terry, of the Ft. Belknap School Montana, visited
us this week, and renewed acquaintanceship with old students.  On
Wednesday evening he held an informal reception with the Crow Agency,
Grand Junction and Puyallup boys and girls he knew.  He has been
superintendent of all these schools.  In a little address he said in
part that when a pupil in school has a teacher and the teacher goes away
another coming to take his place, and in a few months that one leaves,
the pupil is apt to think that he will never see those teachers again,
and the teachers will never think of him again. It is not so.  Mr. Terry
assured the boys and girls present that he had not forgotten them and
their record has been watched.  He was pleased when he learned that they
had come to carlisle.  There was education in the trip alone, and to
come where there are such advantages as is here offered was a great
opportunity.  His remarks were well received, and his frank, open manner
while here has insured him a warm welcome if he ever comes this way
   We learn through a friendly letter of a pleasing incident which
occurred last week in Brownsburg, Pa., in the vicinity of which a number
of our boys have been living.  At a parlor meeting at Robert K.
Tomlinsons, it being the last for some of the boys of a number of such
meetings which have been given the Indians and others for singing and
social chat, "Hugh Lieder and Peter Cadot each expressed in simple but
heartfelt language their warm appreciation of the kindness and
fellowship shown them, and said that in their far western homes or
wherever they might be these meetings might ever be in their memories as
a help and comfort to them.  The hostess responded in a few-well chosen
words, thanking them in turn and counselling each to say NO to whatever
temptation they might meet."
   Employees have been instructed to look carefully after the clothing of
students, to see that they are properly protected from the weather.  A
boy with no vest who allows his coat to fly open, places himself in
danger and should be told to button his coat.  A West Point Cadet who is
seen with coat open, is arrested or punished, and it would be a good
rule here in cold and changeable weather.
   The wedding announcement of Presley Houk to Margaret Eleanor Abbett at
the Holy Trinity Mission, Cut Bank, Montana, on Monday December 4th, is
before us.  Presley's many friends of the east will rejoice at this good
news and will shower him with congratulations if they get the chance.
Presley was a printer when at Carlisle.
   Mrs. Craft and daughter Mabel, after an extended visit at the school
with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, have gone to their home in Jersey City.
Mrs. Thompson, who is Mrs. Craft's daughter has been very ill with acute
eye trouble, but is now improving and is expected home before long.
   Our teachers have enjoyed the Cumberland County Teachers Institute
this year more than ever before.  They take turns in going and double up
their classes.  Some of the speakers and instructors are of a high order
and the evening entertainments have been excellent.
(p 3)
   We are now within one of having a thousand on our school roll - 999.
   Mrs. Sawyer spent Thanksgiving with Miss Forster at the home of the
latter in Harrisburg.
   Mrs. Senseney of Chambersburg, was a guest of her daughter, at the
school, Thanksgiving.
   Major Pratt is at the Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, receiving
treatment for rheumatism.
   Mrs. Pratt and granddaughter, Miss Mary Stevick, of Denver, have
returned from Philadelphia.
   The school has had a round of visitors this week on account of the
Teacheres' Institute being held in town.
   Dr. Mosser, of the M.E. Church, who has been our paster for a month,
gave a very excellent Thanksgiving talk.
   Mr. George Connors, the trainer, has gone to Chicago for his wife, and
will return shortly to be with us for some time.
   The small boys' football team defeated the ex-small boys, from the
large boys' quarters last Saturday by a score of 18-0.
   Several new students from Maine have arrived.  They with a few others
that came before, form the Maine part of the school.
   Miss Annie Morton, '98, of the clerical force of Miss Ely's office,
has been on the sick list for a few days, with a bad throat, but is out
   Isaac Seneca has been elected captain of the football team of 1900.
This is a great honor, and the Man-on-the-band-stand extends
   The pond has been made ready for skating.  Now all we have to do is to
wait for freezing weather, and it is almost here, judging from the cold
breath from the north these last few days.
   Among the Thanksgiving guests was Master Hobart Cook who came to visit
his mother.  Hobart has changed wonderfully since we last saw him.  He
is attending school near Philadelphia.
   Mrs. DeLoss spent a very happy little vacation with her mother and son
in Washington, D.C.  Although not as well as she hoped to be, she
enjoyed the outing and says she had a good time.
   Rev. Dr. Norcross, of the Second Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, will
officiate as chaplain for the school, this month.  He preached his first
sermon last Sunday.
   Have you 157 on your wrapper?  That means that this issue is Vol. 15
number 7, and it is time to renew if you desire not to miss any papers.
Prompt renewal will insure against delay and error.
   Mr. Thompson, Captain Wheelock, Frank Hudson, Artie Miller, and Hawley
Pierce were guests of Dr. Bainbridge, for dinner when in New York
City.   The dinner was served in the famous Peter Cooper house.
   The students' Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and side dishes, was much
enjoyed.  The dining hall was appropriately trimmed and made cheery and
comfortable.  Miss Miles, Mrs. Ewbanks and their helpers spared no pains
in making the occasion a memorable one.

   Mr. Weber, made a business trip to Reading, one day this week.
   Mrs. F.E. Spangler, daughter of Commodore Elliott, of Hagerstown, and
Mrs. Woodward of West High Street were interested and interesting
visitors, yesterday.
   Miss Mary J. Hilton with her country Sunday School class visited the
school on Wednesday.  There are those in the near vicinity of the school
who rarely if ever have been inside our grounds.
   Dr. Eastman writes from Santee, South Dakota, where on returning from
a council with others, one pitch-dark and rainy night he narrowly
escaped falling into a ditch fifteen feet deep.  One of the party did go
in and was stunned by the fall.
   Ralph Armstrong, '98, who when he left for the west was paid the
principal due him from our school bank, has written instructions to
divide the interest money that he accrued upon his savings while at
school, between the three literary societies - a very graceful act.
   An Inter-Society Oratorical Contest, tonight!  Judge Henderson and
Professors McIntire and Sellers of Dickinson College will officiate as
judges, and Mr. Standing, Beitzel and Miss Burgess will act as prize
committee.  A prize of six dollars is offered the best all around
speaker, and four dollars the second best.
   The printer who made up the form of a leading daily after hte Columbia
Indian game, in New York, Thanksgiving Day, got an article about the
game mixed with a Thanksgiving robbery, and made the last line read that
"The Indians were in prime physical condition and tore through a second
story window by means of a ladder."
   Miss Palagia Tuticoff, of Emigsburg, Pa., one of our students from
Alaska, has carried off the twenty five dollars offered to the person
securing the largest number of names before Thanksgiving.  Her list was
the longest, numbering 587.  Howard Gansworth, of Princeton University,
stood next with a list numbering 429.  Miss Shields, of Carlisle, next
with a list of 418.  There were others with lists numbering two and
three hundred, and less.  In all the HELPER subscription list was
increased 2584.  We sympathize with those who worked and did not secure
the prize, but feel that we paid a liberal commission, so that the
entire time was not lost.  We allowed two cents on every name secured.
We thank all for their kindly efforts on behalf of the little paper and
feel certain that they have achieved a good for the Indians that cannot
be estimated.  The paper goes into the hands of over two thousand people
who never have seen it before, possibly, and it is estimated that for
every subscriber of a newspaper there are 3 readers.  We shall hope that
the 6000 new readers brought to us by the increase will become more
interested in the rising Indian hereafter than in the Wild West freak so
often paraded before the public as the real Indian.
   The Indian is demonstrating daily that he is not a freak but is a MAN,
and it is the mission of the HELPER to help him by circulating this
truth throughout the length and breadth of our land.
(page 4)
   The Thanksgiving Day game on Manhattan Field with the Columbia
University, which earlier in the season had defeated Yale, was a success
in every particular.  The Indians won by a score of 45 to 0.
   The season has been one of marked success for us.  We have played nine
games and lost but two- Harvard and Princeton.  The first game lost was
with Harvard, the recognized strongest team in the United States today.
Two of our most important men were out of condition.  The Indian team
was the only one that scored against Harvard this year.
   Full and free comments by the public press from the best authority on
football enthusiasts as well as for those who are lovers of the game.
   The following from the New York Evening Telegram is a fair sample of
the complimentary things said of our boys as gentlemen:
   Everybody remarked about the exemplary conduct of the students from
the Carlisle School while they were stopping at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.
They were extremely modest about their victory over the Columbia boys at
Manhattan Field.  There was no bluster and no swaggering about the
corridors.  They behaved themselves in a quiet, orderly manner.  Not one
of the thirty members who were here with the football team went near the
barroom.  Their general good behavior was commented upon while they were
patrons of the Fifth Avenue Hotel.
   Those of us who saw the great magician Maro, a few weeks ago, walk
down in our audience and before our very eyes, when we were watching him
closely, take handfuls of silver dollars from the noses and ears of our
boys and from the braids of hair of our girls, will read with a degree
of pleasure of the amazement of the INdian stold about in this clipping
from the Haskell Leader:
   A few years ago a troop of showmen were traveling in the western part
of Oregon.
   At one of the towns where they stopped, a number of Indians paid them
a visit.
   An old chief had a dog with him, which was constantly at his side.
   One of the troop, who practiced sleight of hand, stooped down and
patted the dog on the back, saying, "good dog," "good doggy," at the
same time slipping his hand along the dog's back and over his tail, when
he diplayed a hand full of coin which apparently he had taken from the
dog's anatomy.
   He repeated the deception a number of times, and offered the Indians a
fabulous sum for the dog.
   They looked on with wonder and amazement, but refused all inducements
to sell.
   Soon after they took the dog down to the river and, after failing to
secure the money in the same manner, killed the dog and dissected him,
hoping to secure all the treasure at once, but, failing as before, they
pronounced the white man an evil spirit.
   It is occasionally a little hard to tell just how a person does feel
when one receives an answer like the following. This is verbatim, and
similar ones are not uncommon:
   Doctor - Well, John, how do you feel?
   John. - O! I feel all right this time. From my heart up this side to
my head it hurts, down my leg to my feet it is very sick and my heart
and my head it very hurts. -Northern Light (Alaska)
   An Indian father at Ross Fork, Idaho, knows better what is good for
little folks than some white people do.  He once said to the
missionary.  "Cracker he all right, candy he not much good: pappooses he
eat us, he cry, crackers he eat, he pretty good." -[Progress.
     With its forepaws on South Africa and the Soudan, and its tail in
China, the British lion, says a critic, will have hard work keeping off
the mosquitoes.

   I am made of 15 letters.
   My 13, 8, 7 is a bird.
   My 4, 1, 6, 15, 14 is where our boys and girls like to go when they
have money.
   My 10, 11, 12, 2 is one way of making goal.
   My 9, 13, 11, 5, 3 is something through which Indian women of some
tribes have their rations thrown to them.
   My whole began to sing immediately fter Thanksgiving Day, and was as
hungry as ever.

For more information, email Barbara Landis: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or visit CIIS Research page at
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