sent by Patricia Paul
Report Police Misconduct
to the ACLU

The American Civil Liberties Union of Washington is closely monitoring
police treatment of WTO protesters and residents of Seattle.  We are looking
for incidents of police action against citizens that have occurred during
the WTO conference.

We need personal reports of any of the following activities - if they
happened to you or if you were a witness:

* Unprovoked physical aggression by police:  shoving, kicking, hitting with
billyclubs, overly forceful restraint
* Use of pepper spray, tear gas, CS gas, shots of rubber bullets against
non-violent protesters or onlookers either without warning or in excess
* Being pursued or chased by police when trying to flee or disperse
* Encountering any of these activities as a bystander or within an area that
is NOT a designated "no-protest zone"
* Or other unreasonable restrictions on your civil liberties

We need details on what happened to you or what you witnessed.  Please
contact the ACLU of Washington right away:

Fill out an online complaint form at

If no web access, call the ACLU Complaint and Referral Line

ACLU of Washington
705 Second Avenue, Suite 300, Seattle, Washington 98104

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