the following article was retrieved from:
the observer's editor, monica khetarpal, can be emailed at:
bill winneshiek

Police investigate racist propaganda

Fliers marked with logo of Orange and Blue Observer spread around campus

by Amanda Criner Senior writer

Fliers depicting racist images with the Orange and Blue Observer's logo littered the 
Quad and University buildings and were inserted into issues of The Daily Illini 

One of the fliers was a picture of Benjamin Smith proclaiming him a "University 
Martyr." Another flier depicted a man with a gun pointed at a Native American and the 
words "Manifest Destiny: Go! Fight! Win!"

Observer staff said they had nothing to do with the fliers.

"The Observer has never done anything like this," said managing editor Monica 
Khetarpal. "This is what starts hate. It asks people to hate conservatives and to hate 
the Observer."

The fliers were posted in Lincoln Hall, the English Building, on trees and in other 
campus locations. The Daily Illini and the Observer filed reports with University 
police for theft of services. University offices and employees also complained about 
the fliers.

Khetarpal and Observer financial director Justin Weltscheff discussed why someone 
might try to disguise racist fliers as the cover of the Observer.

"I take that personally, if people are trying to equate Ben Smith with the Observer," 
Weltscheff said.

Smith, who left the University before going on a hate-motivated shooting spree 
throughout the Midwest, spread hate literature on the University campus and at Indiana 
University. He was a former member of the World Church of the Creator, a white 
supremacist group based in Peoria.

"I'm happy to hear people are remembering Ben Smith," said Matt Hale, the church's 
leader. "I don't know anything about it. We have some people there who did know Ben 
Smith. I tend to think it is not a member of the church but a sympathizer."

The fliers probably will not be considered hate literature, but were posted against 
University rules, police said.

Khetarpal said she suspects a University student posted the fliers, possibly someone 
who dislikes the Observer and its conservative beliefs.

University Police Capt. Kris Fitzpatrick said police are investigating the incident, 
but identifying the individual responsible will be difficult.

The Observer staff said it will contact its lawyer to address issues of libel and 

"This kind of stuff doesn't shock me," Khetarpal said. "I've been called a Nazi, and 
I've gotten threatening e-mail. As much as I've tried to make this a respectable 
debate, there are still people who are ignorant."

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Bill Winneshiek

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   Eighth Grade student writing about his school's
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