Am 03.01.13 18:48, schrieb Jeff Rogers:
> Does it make sense to have 2 different information-gathering commands, 
> tho?  Why not consolidate all these functions into "ns_info", giving 
> appropriate subcommands -server and/or -pool flags as necessary?
well, we have as well ns_conn and ns_thread providing introspection 
about different kind of objects, so ns_server seems natural (one might 
argue for a ns_pool cmd in naviserver). Pushing all these into ns_info 
is problematic. Furthermore, the some of the commands for 
ns_server/ns_conn/ns_thread might be used as well for setting such 
values, which would not appear natural via ns_info. Last but not least, 
backward compatibility speaks as well for ns_server.

btw, we have now
    ns_server ?-server s? ?-pool p? maxthreads ?value?
    ns_server ?-server s? ?-pool p? minthreads ?value?
to query/change the thread configuration at runtime. Now, one can have a 
watchdog listening the wealth-indicators of naviserver and adjust these 
parameters without reboot. This improves the situation until we have 
really good autoscaling.

The new queue-lenght based thread calculation work quite well for 
creating additional threads, but not for keeping the number of threads 
sufficiently long on the higher value. If there are already e.g. 10 
connection threads running and one starts due to a peak #11 (even with a 
long timeout or connsperthread), it is quite likely that some of the 
other threads come to the end of its life-cycle soon and the number 
falls back to 10. We might do better (i.e. less nervous) based on e.g. 
exponentially  smoothed queue length/times (or idle threads), but this 
requires as well some fiddling around with the parameters.
> As for the pool subcommands, do the existing subcommands handle any 
> new data points that may be available?  For example, if there were 
> nested pools you would want parents and children, or if they were 
> dynamic you would want to know when they were created.  Or more 
> concretely, can they provide info on how many connections in the pool 
> are being handled with background delivery?
we have now all "statistics" values on the server level, so there is 
still something to do. we should as well push the locking to the pool 
level, some of the locks are still for the full nsd (these locks are 
relatively infrequent and sort-timed, this is not urgent).


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