Dear all,

after doing some more polishing (static analyzers, more valgrind test) and updating NEWS, i've today tagged NaviServer and the modules mentioned below with naviserver-4.99.5 on bitbucket
and uploaded new tar files to sourceforge.

all the best
-gustaf neumann

Am 06.05.13 00:12, schrieb Gustaf Neumann:
Am 03.05.13 13:52, schrieb Bernhard van Woerden:
My feeble attempt at this is a pull request on bitbucket.

Hope this is of some use.
Bernhard, many thanks, this was a great help. I've made yet
another iteration over the NEWS file and tried to group changes
in the top section.

How should we do packaging?
We have at least the following components with changes
  - naviserver
  - nsssl
  - nsstats
  - nsdbpg
  - nssmtpd
  - nsauthpam
where the first four have larger changes. Any other
good options other than
  - naviserver
  - naviserver-nsssl

Should we mention changes from the drivers/packages
as well in the NEWS file?

Any objections to use the same tag on bitbucket for these packages
to denote compatibility?


Gustaf has been very industrious.


On 29 April 2013 18:33, Bernhard van Woerden < <>> wrote:

    ok, I'll have a go. I really need to read the diff for each
    commit so it will take me a day or 2 to put together a draft

    - Bernhard

    On 29 April 2013 10:41, Gustaf Neumann <
    <>> wrote:

        Dear Bernhard,

        Would be great, if you could help here. Releasing a 4.99.5
        version soon and leaving further cleanup and
        documentation improvements for a 5.0 release sounds
        good to me. The biggest task for 4.99.5 is to provide a
        "cooked version" of the changlog for the NEWS file.
        Since the tagging of 4.99.4 more than 150 commits
        went in.... time flies like an arrow. I hope to be able to
        do this until the end of the week.

        -gustaf neumann

        On 25.04.13 10:38, Bernhard van Woerden wrote:
        Thanks Gustaf,

        Do you plan to tag a new release ?
        We want to put together Debian packages and it would be nice
        to reference a release with changes since 4.99.1


        On 25 April 2013 09:02, Gustaf Neumann <
        <>> wrote:

            Dear naviservlers,

            a short update on the changes in the tip version of
            and some modules on bitbucket:

            - i've not made the big-cleanup of unused functions, but
              marked several as deprecated. The server reports
              now in the error.log when deprecated (C- or
              Tcl-implemented) functions are used.

            - the introspection interface for per-server and per-pool
              reporting is implemented and works nicely (used e.g. in
              the updated nsstats.tcl or in my set of munin plugins).
              The old interface (which was not virtual-server and
              pool-aware) is marked as deprecated.

            - i've moved several locks from global mutexes on all
              pools to muxtes per pool where appropriate to further
              improve scalability (most people won't notice)

            - nsdbpg: i've updated the interface of nsdbpg from
              the old string based interface to Tcl_Objs and
              for the provided SQL statements a new Tcl_Obj type named
              " parsedSQL", which can reduce string copying and the
              parsing of SQL statements for the bind-var emulation
              significantly. When the Tcl_Obj is preserved, the
              SQL statement is processed once (at the first call)
              and the resulting C structures are preserved in the
              internal representation of the Tcl_Obj. In later calls,
              the internal representation of the parsed SQL statement
              can be reused without overhead.

            - I am updating the documentation whenever i step over
              some documentation problems, so it is improving, but
              there is still a log way to go.

            When downloading the tip version of naviserver, please
            get also nsdbpg/nsssl/nsstats when you use these modules.

            We are using the tip version of naviserver and the modules
            in production since a while. I think, we saw the last crash
            last year in october or so.

            best regards
            -gustaf neumann

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