Dear Neartown Neighbors:

This is the final request for proposals for the 2011 Super Neighborhood Action 
Plan (SNAP) submittal process for the Neartown / Montrose SN #24 area.  With 
Friday the 14th of January upon us as the imposed deadline from the City of 
Houston, our 25 priorities for improvement will need to be sent to the Planning 
and Development Department by the end of the week.  With close to that number 
already suggested by Civic Associations and other neighbors in the community, 
we have set Wednesday the 12th of January at noon as the cut off for any 
additional requests to allow time for us to collate and process the information 
received.  If you or your organization have any final ideas that should be 
made, please forward those to account with specific 
location and project scope for review and inclusion on our list or to be 
addressed with an alternative action.  Thanks in advance for your excellent 
ideas for improving the great place we live and work in the Neartown / Montrose 

Thank you,

David Robinson, 
Neartown President

(Sent by Mark Johnson on behalf of David)

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