You are not supposed to set the pagesize

And leave off that cache capacity

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 28.04.2016 um 21:37 schrieb Mohammad Hossain Namaki <>:
> Dear all,
> Hi,
> I've wrote a java code to import "dblp" into the Neo4j. It's using the 
> batchInserter to create the dataset. However, the code is stuck at 
> db.shutdown() line after two days run with 20 GB memory. The current neo4j 
> dataset (e.g. dblp.db) is 3.2 GB and the last modified date of files inside 
> of it is for the 2 days ago (but the program didn't finish). However, when I 
> download the dataset and try to run it with Neo4j Server/Java API, it cannot 
> start.
> Could you please guide me on that?
> It seems that the number of entities to be added is 6,600,000 and number of 
> relationships to be added is 11,550,000.
> I've attached the messages.log file and also the source code. I'm using 
> neo4j.2.3.0 jar file.
> The summary of the source code at creating section is like this:
> Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
>                 config.put("dbms.pagecache.memory", "50000M");
>                 config.put("dbms.pagecache.pagesize", "8g");
>                 config.put("node_auto_indexing", "true");
>                 db = BatchInserters.inserter("dblp2.db", config);
>                 indexProvider = new LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider(db);
>                 index = indexProvider.nodeIndex("dblpIndex", 
> MapUtil.stringMap("type", "exact"));
>                 index.setCacheCapacity(KEY_PROPERTY, 500000001);
> ........
>                  Label label = DynamicLabel.label(author);
>                                  long nodeId = db.createNode(null, label);
> ......
>                       if ((totalEntity % 50000) == 0) {
>                     index.flush();
>                        }
> .......
>                        Long nodeId = db.createNode(props, labels.toArray(new 
> Label[labels.size()]));
> .......
>                        db.createRelationship(entityKeyNodeMap.get(key), 
> distinctAuthors.get(author), RelTypes.WRITTEN_BY, null);
> ......
>                        if ((totalEntity % 50000) == 0) {
>                            index.flush();
>                         System.out.println("relationship: " + totalEntity);
>                         }
>                 System.out.println("indexProvider shutting down");
>                 indexProvider.shutdown();
>                 System.out.println("db shutting down");
>                 db.shutdown();
>                System.out.println("program is finished!");
>                         }
> -- 
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