DevilKin wrote:
> On Saturday 12 January 2002 10:14, Calyth wrote:
> > I wish.
> > All I know is that X 3.3.x using the SVGA driver behaves perfectly, while
> > XF4 neomagic driver doesn't like suspend at all, not to say hibernation.
> > Hopefully the more knowledgable people here can solve our problems.
> >
> > Calyth
> >

You need to add:
        Option  "DPMS"
in the Monitor section in your config file.  After that, screen blanking
should work fine.  

Also, my Sony Vaio suspends to disk cleanly (although I haven't tried it
recently).  It worked well in 4.1.0.  Oh, and it's under SuSE which
might matter, kernel 2.4.x.

For setting screen blank times, you can use the following settings in
the ServerFlags section:
Section "ServerFlags"
        Option "BlankTime" "10"
        Option "StandbyTime" "12"
        Option "SuspendTime" "14"
        Option "OffTime" "16"

(in minutes)

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