I picked up a AVO Avometer 8 mark3 VOM on E-bay recently to go with an AVO
tubetester that I aquired a few years ago. Boy are these meters built
heavy. It probably weighs twice as much as my Simpson 260. Well these
meters are not very common over here (USA).I thought that one of the group
members in Europe might have a parts unit.  I am looking for a few small
parts. One of the black binding posts, mine has the plastic insulating
cover broken off. I could also use 3 of the little screws that go around
the sides of the meter and hold the back of the case to the front of the
meter. I am guessing these may be some British size.  The leather handle
is missing but I can live without that.  If anybody has any of these parts
please contact me. Thanks Tim Laing

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