Firstly this project has a led 7 segment display, however I intended
to use a nixie on the end product.

I saw a youtube vid for 'the first nixie propeller clock', maybe one
of you guys built it, its an excellent project however I wanted
something quieter that could run continuous.

So I came up with this prototype, its a pendulum swung by the head
assy and servo off a 3.5" hard drive (best I could think of at the
time) and a pic16f88, the pic 'knows' when the fire the servo coil as
it monitors the volatge from the coil (generator effect) and fires it
when it sees >20mV.

On the first try I used a led 7 seg display to see how it'd work, I
was hoping for something good or at least readable, but unfortunately
its naff, you cant read the display without squinting, it swings just
too slow, unless one of you guys has any ideas I think this one can


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