On 03/11/2011 07:24 PM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
> 2011/3/4 Wes Hardaker <harda...@users.sourceforge.net
> <mailto:harda...@users.sourceforge.net>>
>     >>>>> On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 07:54:10 +0200, Timo Teräs
>     <timo.te...@iki.fi <mailto:timo.te...@iki.fi>> said:
>     TT> What's the usual time frame for getting patches reviewed and
>     committed?
>     TT> Could someone take a look at this?
>     It's actually on my todo list to go review the patches.  They're always
>     reviewed before the next release, and I (and others) try to do them
>     frequently but it depends on our "real work" life as to when we get to
>     them.  The important thing is that because they're in the tracker we
>     can't forget about them, so you put it in the right place!
>     [and I got better for a bit about reviewing more regularly, but you hit
>     me during a particularly busy time; I should have time next week to
>     review]
> As you can see on the tracker I've had a look at this patch. I stopped
> however because I'm not convinced that the introduction of the new flag

I added some more explanation now why it's there. I'll have time to fix
things on the patch today/tomorrow. Hopefully we get it in merging state

Thanks for the reviewing and feedback so far!

- Timo

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