Hi all!
I'm new in SNMP and I just configured the agent and the manager and I'm
able to receive the traps sent by the agent. But I noticed that the traps
received by the manager are captured between 10 seconds, but I need to
receive the traps as soon as I generate them not between 10 sec.
I'll show you my script which is intended to capture the signal avg power
that a client has with an Access Point, the samples are taking between 1
sec and I need to send that trap to the manager in less time than 1 sec.

while :
             valor=$(iw dev wlan0 station dump \
             | grep 'signal avg': | awl '{print $3}')
             snmptrap -v 1 -c public '' \
             '' 6 99 '55' s "$valor"
             echo $valor >> muestras.txt
             sleep 1

But surprisingly the traps seems to be generated between 10 sec or maybe
the manager is receive them in an elapsed time of 10 sec. I don't know
where is the problem, in the agent or in the manager, but I'm sure that the
agent generates samples in 10 sec because "muestras.txt" shows that.

Hope you can help me!.
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