
I am new to use net-snmp. I downloaded net-snmp-, and tried to compile 
it. But it failed.

The error messages are:

./.libs/libnetsnmpagent.so: undefined reference to `netsnmp_udp6_parse_security'
./.libs/libnetsnmpagent.so: undefined reference to `netsnmp_UDPIPv6Domain'
./.libs/libnetsnmpagent.so: undefined reference to `netsnmp_udp6_getSecName'
./.libs/libnetsnmpagent.so: undefined reference to `netsnmp_TCPIPv6Domain'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [snmpd] Error 1

Please advise how to fix them.

Thank you  very much,
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