I'm hoping someone can tell me if I'm out of my mind or confirm my suspicions. I'm using NetSNMP 5.1.2 (RPM on RHEL v.3). It seems getnext() isn't properly ripping the index from the OID when it returns with an object.

I'm working with a Cisco proprietary MIB (CISCO-PORT-SECURITY-MIB). I am concentrating on the cpsSecureMacAddressTable table. The index for this table is ifIndex.cpsSecureMacAddress. I'm trying to perform a getnext() on the table entry cpsSecureMacAddressTable.cpsSecureMacAddressEntry.cpsSecureMacAddrType which is at OID . If we assume there exists an ifIndex 99 and a MAC address then I would expect a getnext() on the given OID to return:

OID = . , iid =

but what I get back is:

OID = . , iid = 5

which I don't quite agree with. Shouldn't getnext() return an iid of in this example? Have I missed something in the documentation? A search of the bug database didn't show anything.

(I've used tkmib to view this table ... so I know the hardware is returning useful information that tkmib can handle.)


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