Craig Small <> writes:

>     Is there a way to encrypt passwords in the snmpd.conf file? Currently, 
> when we open
>     snmpd.conf file we can look at passwords in plaintext format, is there a 
> way to
>     store those passwords in encrypted form. Does net-snmp support any 
> encryption/
>     decryption of passwords while reading from snmpd.conf?
> The snmpusm manpage describes a way of making SNMP v3 users. 
> The passwords are, I believe, stored as MD5 HMAC and not cleartext.

Good answer and thanks for noting this.

Even more importantly: they're not only stored as a MAC, but also stored
in a way that is isolated to just that machine and localized with an

Specifically, the snmpd.conf manual page about the createUser line says:

     This directive  should  be  placed  into  the  /var/net-snmp/sn‐
     mpd.conf file instead of the other normal locations.  The reason
     is that the information is read from the file and then the  line
     is  removed  (eliminating the storage of the master password for
     that user) and replaced with the key that is  derived  from  it.
     This  key is a localized key, so that if it is stolen it can not
     be used to access other agents.  If the password is stolen, how‐
     ever, it can be.

Thus the createUser line should *never* be put in a global config file
that is not where the agent stores it's data in the first place.  The
manual page also talks about how to use the net-snmp-config tool to help
with this:

     Instead  of  figuring out how to use this directive and where to
     put it  (see  below),  just  run  "net-snmp-config  --create-sn‐
     mpv3-user"  instead,  which  will  add one of these lines to the
     right place.

Wes Hardaker
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