First, my apologies for incorrectly posting noob question(s) into the wrong
mailing list.  I'm re-posting here.

I'm trying to write an SNMP manager using the net-snmp API.  The manager
will use UDP in IPv4 and IPv6, and will be sending get-requests (and
getbulk, and getnext) to 10000 agents (arbitrary number, but you get the
idea - a relatively large number).  Is there any way to do this using just
a single session?

I've compiled and experimented with the demo apps, they seem to use one
session per agent.

Creating 10000 separate sessions seems excessive (as I understand, this
would consume 10000 sockets and 10000 distinct SRC PORTS from my host).

Creating/using/closing 10000 sessions seems excessive as well.

The reason I'm going here:  my manager must interact with a firewall before
sending any requests to any agents; a single firewall interaction
identifying a single UDP source port would be much more desirable than
10000 firewall interactions identifying 10000 different UDP source ports.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
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