MetaConstruct Installations


...part of a series of an original that never existed...

[The following file is, as you will see, from a printed Proposal sent in 1984 to dozens of art galleries primarily in North America. It is of some interest as it espouses and enacts a method for the creation of a great life-enhancing narrative, full of situationist-drift and revision. There was marginal financial, political and critical support for this project at the time. The various series of art-objects are occasionally altered but they usually remain sequestered in beautiful cork-lined, shellacked, plywood boxes... Archetypal Exhibition: As Single Entity. Nomadic Distributions. Consecrated Anarchy. Far from being a new foundation, it swallows up all foundations, it assures a universal collapse but as a positive and joyous event. The power of Affirming Chaos, Divergence, and Decentring. Heterogeneous series (`complicating' within itself all series). Continually eccentric circle with a constantly decentred centre.

The nonhierarchical work is a condensation of coexistences, a simultaneity of events. Identity persists, but it is produced as the law that complicates all series, causing them to return within each one as the course of compulsion.

The Work has sought to be a product of the manners and places in which it is seen.

The speculator is playing a mathematical game into a set of random events.

An Insatiable project, endlessly producing and consuming `systems', metaphorhaunted classifications of an ultimately opaque reality.

The set of objects the gallery displays is sustained only by the fiction that they somehow constitute a coherent representational universe...


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